Thursday, August 22, 2013

RIDE THE WAVE! I've been on this blog kick thing and I feel compelled to write about what is happening all around us energy wise. This is the 3rd update in 3 days in a row. Why? I feel like the energies are pushing the envelope. Energy has been kicking all of us in the rear end to wake us up, this year in particular. Some feel it as becoming more heart centred, compassionate and creative, opening to greater cosmic consciousness. Glands that have been restricted in functioning like the pituitary and pineal start to fully function as they were meant to do.
This creates a paradigm shift in your self first and then your world. The good thing is that we are being forced to confront things that may not be pleasant but need attention in ourselves and our lives. These things are keeping us from moving forward and must be let go.
But only you can decide what that is. It is a personal choice to make. So take out the trash. It might be unpleasant to deal with but once that lid is closed, it is gone for good. Why is this important? Well, it appears that the time is now and we are so fortunate to be walking this good Earth at this time and age.
You do not want to miss the boat unless its your choice and that is always there. When is the next one going to be around for you to decide to get on? So you might say, what is this guy rambling about? I can tell you that the Old is being replaced with the New. Old ways of thinking and even religion will shift or disappear. People will get Spiritual and in tune with Nature. Money will not be so important anymore. Really? Money, that green stuff we all love?
What do these things have to do with Power Wands. Nothing except that they are tools to help you get there. There are people that go through life never once wondering other than material things. More are waking up from this bad dream and asking questions. Good! I think the mineral Kingdom is key to helping us out now. I love these crystals.
What is underneath the Earth that is waking up? Many feel it, for some its a restlessness. Something for something that they have to do but do not know. I would advice to look inside. I think anyone that says the Creator Force or Source or Spirit is outside on some cloud is truly lost. Old man made gods need to be re-evaluated. With your permission, I will digress a little towards some words where most of this is anchored. It is not religion but words of wisdom from someone who really cares for us. "The Great Cosmic Light has said that humanity shall blaze forth more Light and that means the expansion of YOUR Light. It is the Light Pattern of your human form, not only through your heart but within every cell of your body." Can you guess who? If you know him you know already. The next picture is a clue.

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