Saturday, December 28, 2013

Create the World You Really Want

Wow is this for real? Well, people have no clue as to how powerful their minds can be. They can
actually create the world they want to live in. How is this possible you may ask? Go ahead and ask, its happening as we read and type at our computers. 

See it is part of physics and how this Universe works. Scientists only have begun to understand this. Consider this famous thought experiment.
 Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects. The scenario presents a cat that may be both alive and dead, depending on an earlier random event. Although the original "experiment" was imaginary, similar principles have been researched and used in practical applications. The thought experiment is also often featured in theoretical discussions of the interpretations of quantum mechanics. In the course of developing this experiment, Schrödinger coined the termVerschränkung (entanglement).
Basically the cat is both alive and dead at the same time and it needs a human mind to determine the outcome. There is also a famous experinment that shows the nature of matter as a wave and as a solid at the same time. It also needs a human mind to determine its outcome. It also is affected by the act of observation. 

The quantum world can be not be perceived directly, but rather through the use of instruments. And, so, there is a problem with the fact that the act of measuring disturbs the energy and position of subatomic particles. This is called the measurement problem.

This simply means that by observing an experiment the outcome is changed. That implies a conscious mind at work. How can this be?

Why does the mind have the power to change the physical world and how it behaves? This has been known by the Ancients, Yogis and Mystics for a long time. It is aso one of the things that the Black Hats do not want you to know or even consider. See, It spells their end and their manipulations to only manifest their reality.

Personally, I think the threshhold on world wide events is 10%. That's right 10%  of people focusing their attention on One Event they wish, has the power to make it happen. That is why the Bible states in Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Well, enough of religion....

Some have taken this to a fine art and been able to manifest objects out of thin air. It really comes from the Source of all, they just know it without a shadow of a doubt. We all have this power, what we lack is a focused enough mind and desire to make it happen.

Well, now that you think I'm MESHUGGINA, lets continue.

These two wrote lots about precipitation, which is the art of making things out of thin air.
Madame Blavatsky and Col. Olcott

They are the founders of the Theosophical Society. Precipitation was used back than as a means of sending letters and and to get attention to their society. 

If I could do this, I would use it to facilitate everyday living. Need something, make it up. Done and dissolve it. Money and the Rat Race will be meaningless at that point. Because anything you need is there for you. The Black Hats really really hate that because they can no longer control you for their purposes.


So we start simple, with personal intent. Then, get a group going working on targeted purposes. People do this in Churches all the time without thinking or knowing what is really going on. Christianity has really done a number on people's minds...
Start practicing the power of your mind, the same instrument the Great Source has given you.

Use it, do you think that it was given to you so that you could go about gathering stuff and then working all the time to get more stuff?

There is a higher purpose to all of this. The main thing is to free yourself from the grips of the Black Hats. Consider the impossible impossibilities. Make it so...Number One!

The World is your canvas, the mind your brush and your intent, the pignemts. Make it happen. Start your Creation Career! 

RIDE THE WAVE...Namaste.

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