Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Fork in the Road and the Importance of Faith.

faith  (fth)
1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. See Synonyms at belief,trust.
3. Loyalty to a person or thing; allegiance: keeping faith with one's supporters.
4. often Faith Christianity The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.
5. The body of dogma of a religion: the Muslim faith.
6. A set of principles or beliefs.
in faith
Indeed; truly.

This sounds a little religiousy (is there such a word?) But here it goes. We are co-creators with the Universe. We Humans have the ability...all of us. This fact has been promoted as a Lie by those that fear this ability. Some of their shenanigans come through religion, others through ridicule and most of all they all use FEAR to make you believe that you can't do it.

We all have that special Internal Divine Spark that sets us apart in all of Creation and the Universe. There I go with things beyond...again. But this is important. We are at a Planetary fork in the road and a CHOICE must be made by all. The choice is really simple and at the same time requires an unshakable act of Faith. Why is this so? Because by that conscious choice, you are using that creative power and right to where you wish freely to be. How can this be? How can a wish be so powerful? Well, have you noticed how close to destruction this world has come? Nuclear War in the Middle East with Syria? The Economic disaster the USA just averted? The near miss asteroid that passed withing the orbit of the Moon and the Earth? The list goes on and on. What do all those things have in common? Fear.

What is going on here?

Simply put, those that think they control, want you to forget who you really are. This is what it boils down to:

  • F alse
  • E vidence
  • A ppearing
  • R eal

Fear clouds the mind and keeps you from seeing things clearly. I deal with it on a daily basis. I want to live in a World where we are free from external and malevolent influences. A place where good trumps evil every single time and they have no power over me or my family. A place where all my needs are met regardless of money, where the Earth is clean and whole and unpolluted. Where the elites and banksters are no more. I freely choose this. I have Faith that this will be so. The focused mind is indeed a powerful thing.

I want a New Earth Reborn.

A place of light and beauty. This can and will happen if enough of us awaken and become active co-creators in this experiment called Life. Well, you may think that I flew over that clock again, but THINK! Think about it and believe it is possible. Believe it is possible in spite of all the politics of fear, wars and rumors of wars and economic calamities. That will be taken care of in THE EVENT. You will know when it happens. Do not get sucked in to fear for it is what they wantI refuse to let them have this...

And I refuse to let them decide this. I DECIDE and you can too that this will simply not be. Enough, just a mere 10% is what is required to get the Tsunami rolling and it is unstoppable at that point. I know it really really scares them, and when the split happens, be sure you are on the right side and not their side. You can choose this. You have the power.

So what does Faith have to do with all of this? It is the engine that moves the Tsunami that has already started and is unstoppable. I have been saying RIDE THE WAVE! And I mean it! Ride it and not fall off the board. If you do get back on it. The important thing is to get on it. See faith giving you that impetus to get you over the Fear that they want you to have and reject it! Yes, simply reject it as being foreign and not yours.

I leave you with the embodiment of Faith. This is not religion but Truth.. if you Dare. You have way more wishing you to succeed that not.


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