Thursday, September 5, 2013

How to Use Aquarian Age Power Wands

Ambient energy is everywhere. This phenomenon happens at all levels of the electromagnetic spectrum. And Now there is more of it by way of the unstoppable Shift. The upwards in frequencies is galaxy wide and being carried by the Black Hole or Great Central Sun at the center of our Galaxy.
Back at the turn of the Century, Nikola Tesla gave the world a gift of wireless transmission of power. He was stopped cold by one J. P. Morgan the financier and a member of a minor-family that controls through the top 13 families controlled by the Black hats. See, Morgan did that because of pure greed. He could not figure out where to put the meter to charge people for all this free energy. This world has been held back many times and the worst culprit has been religion and the Catholic Church. This organization/bank was used to hold back progress on the Earth for about 1000 years. No matter, and a subject for another day. It is a given that now there is more energy available and the only question is what to do about it. There is a good article at the IEEE Times that deals with it.
The energy of Aquarius is like a flow of water. See, it is freely given up by the Universe. There have always been Black Hats ready to charge for what is FREE and already yours! Catch some of it for yourself. Thus, is my intent for bringing out these Aquarian Age Power Wands and offering them to the people. These wands have nothing to do with witches, black magic or wicca. In fact, that is a silly thought. I can tell you that these wands have an energy that can be felt. They are real wands. I often feel it as a type of tingling heat that runs up my arm when I hold one. I feel it initially as heat and over time it stops as I get used to it. It is kind of a microwave oven heating up food. It creates heat.
This is an example of one that is for sale at my Etsy store. I must state that most Power Wands are meant to concentrate and emit energy. These do not do that. They are designed to collect, concentrate and give you this energy. Why? I want all to get more of the Good Vibes available now. I want Healing and Alignment to happen faster and at an accelerated rate. I want to get there faster.
This is the proper way to use these wands, in your left or receiving hand and held not too tightly. These wands have been engineered to do no harm to the user (very important to me). All materials used are those that do not hold any negative charges and need no periodic cleaning. They are good to go at any time. I personally, have been using them to sleep. I place them under my pillow and go to sleep. I've noticed that I have more vivid dreams in which I go to work on more designs. These wands also incorporate a grounding agent to the user. Grounding is necessary to help the user keep these energies in the physical.
I would strongly recommend that if healing is tried that you only heal your self under the guide of your intuition. Please get trained by a qualified instructor on that subject before trying it out. See, I am a fully initiated Reiki Master under the Raku lineage and am aware of the pitfalls of healing others, the good and the bad. I would recommend then that you hold your wand in your left hand and placing the right hand on the area to be healed for no more than 10 minutest at a time. As these energies would pass through the wand and you and concentrated at the area back to you.
The other way to use these wands is to told then in your left hand and pass them a few inches from your body in a way that resembles using a cleaning brush. This has the action of cleansing your aura of negative areas. It is kind of like smudging with Sage. I also recommend that you do this yourself. Your intuition will guide you in this and besides, you will do a better job at it than anyone else. I would place the wand on troublesome areas directly on the body for a few minutes. You'll know where.
The last use I would recommend the wands to be used is during meditation. One just hold the wand in the left hand while meditating. You'll achieve a deeper, more relaxing and refreshing meditating experience. There are more ways to use this wand technology but this is fine for now. I would call it for advanced users.
I also offer these wands in mini sizes on my Etsy store. They are small but also carry this energy with you where ever you go. please visit at Aquarian Age Things for a wand selection and available for purchase. Good vibes happen all over the place through good music and good company. Also by being just happy and helping others to heal. I leave you with plenty of those... Namaste

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Fukujima Japan and the Disaster

The Japan Earthquake on 4/7/11 that created a Tsunami and hit the Fukujima Nuclear Power plant... How much of this is natural and how much is man made? I suggest to you all that it is man made because hidden in the background is technology available that can create Storms, Earthquakes, etc. And you may say, How do you know this? There is this DoD and Government Program called HAARP. This is a bit deceiving since that one is just one of many all over the world and not even the most powerful one.
1) Mu Radar – 1 megawatt facility in Japan (34°51'14.80"N 136° 6'19.45"E). 2) Arecibo Observatory – 2 megawatt facility in Puerto Rico (18°20'38.97"N 66°45'9.77"W). 3) HIPAS – 70 megawatt facility east of Fairbanks, Alaska (64°52'21.18"N 146°50'18.78"W). 4) Sura – 190 megawatt facility in central Russia (56° 7'10.32"N 46° 2'4.41"E). 5) EISCAT – 1 gigawatt facility in Tromsø, Northern Norway (69°35'1.06"N 19°12'57.11"E). (you can copy and paste the coordinates into google maps)
So what is HAARP really? The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). It uses phased array antennas to pump massive amounts of energy to the ionosphere.
So the USA is not alone with this type of activity as this seems. What happens is that massive amounts of energy is pumped in to the ionosphere and like ripples on a balloon they can be set to coalesce at other places in the globe. Why? Well this is only the How but not the Why. People monitor these things and they are of very low frequency. Here is a spectrum chart of the day the Fukujima Earthquake happened. Notice a video taken during the Earthquake. Strange blue lights over Japan that Day.
I've made the pic larger so that you can see what HAARP was doing during the Earthquake on that day. Interesting... So we have a possible culprit of How it was done. For the other part I, will need to stretch your mind a little. See, this Earth is at War. That War goes on beyond our planet.
There are those who control do so from behind the scenes and that is their downfall. More people know of these ... Black Hats, as I will call them. Their mechanism of controlling is through Money, the Banking System and religion. THey use the food supply and diseases like weapons. They are ruthless, heartless and soulless. They control through secret societies and organizations and the Illuminati is only one of their least important. I really do not care what they call themselves but you can see their works if you know where to look. Notice how Obama is Hell bent on war with Syria against all common sense? Notice how our Economy is just lingering and it get nowhere. There are 13 families with lineage off planet that control it all. Truly the stuff of Conspiracy Theories, except it is all true.
The Astor Bloodline, The Bundy Bloodline, The Collins Bloodline, The DuPont Bloodline, The Freeman Bloodline, The Kennedy Bloodline, The Li Bloodline, The Onassis Bloodline, The Reynolds Bloodline, The Rockefeller Bloodline, The Rothschild Bloodline, The Russell Bloodline, The Van Duyn Bloodline
What I can tell you is that the good guys or the White Hats, have taken control of the off earth war and the real hardcore backers of these 13 families and their sub-families have been left spinning in the wind. They lost the war. All that we have left is infighting for control. We are on our own now and its been a very long time since that has been true. We need to decide
what we will do with our Planet without outside interference. Some call this the realm of the crazies. Well, call it what you will, it is happening. People are waking up and lighting up like a christmas trees. There is a new freshness in the air and they are wondering what to do next. It is really very simple. CHOOSE TO BE NOT LIKE THEM, CHOOSE THE BETTER PART OF HUMANITY Ride the Wave as I've been saying. Know that we will chose the better part of us as inhabitants of this Earth. Do your part, however small.
If given a choice, chose to move on and not get left behind. I will choose to go on to the better world. Humanity has way more rooting for it than those that wish to enslave it. And in reality the Black Hats have already lost their game. It is on going but only for a little while longer. The new ever present energies are kicking us in the rear. WAKE UP AND MOVE IT!
The Golden Age is not just a whimsical fancy born out of an optimistic imagination. No! It has ever existed and continues to exist in the Realms of Eternity. It is the ongoing Divine Reality that is the moment-to-moment existence of your own God Self. To have the Golden Age manifest where you are, all you need to do is to attune with your Divine Mind and see the Reality that is already right before you!
Choose to be a part of the New Golden Age.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Fukushima Japan. Lies upon lies and this is way worse than they are telling. The Japanese government in their quest to save face is putting the whole world at risk. This is the main problem with Nuclear Energy. It is safe when safe and really dangerous when dangerous.
Why was this dangerous fuel chosen? I think it is because the residue can be weaponized and that means Nuclear Bombs. That means the Industrial Military Complex Monster that President Eisenhower warned us about. BTW, I think he was the last real President this Nation has had clear to today. And that means REAL! as in control. But that is for another day. There has been a safer material that was passed over for defense reasons. It is called Thorium.
Thorium is a naturally-occurring, slightly radioactive metal discovered in 1828 by the Swedish chemist Jons Jakob Berzelius, who named it after Thor, the Norse god of thunder. It is found in small amounts in most rocks and soils, and is in 3 times more abundant than Uranium. You can read more about this in wrired magazine . Suffice it to say that there are safer alternatives and the byproduct can't be weaponized. So we come to what to do about the Fukushima Disaster? I will venture to say that it was a manufactured event meant to punish the Japanese for not going along with NWO plans and orders.
Some point to this thing the US government is playing with, HAARP technology. But Tesla's electro-mechanical oscillator was a steam-powered mechanical oscillator invented by Nikola Tesla by 1898. This little device was reported to have shaken several blocks from the Inventor's lab in NY City using compressed air only. People thought it was an earthquake and he had to stop it by smashing it with a sledge hammer. HAARP is using a similar tech but on a much larger scale.
Technology exists that can create earthquakes synthetically and that is how I think it was done. So enough of the depressing background information. What to do about all that radiation going into the ocean? Mother Earth, Gaia needs our help.
I can suggest and I do so with full integrity that the Kingdom of the Elementals stand ready to do help and at our command!. How do you know this? Well, I have dealt with them before and commanded them to do tasks for me. Now you may think I am crazy but others that I had not told this to have seen them. There are 4 types, The Earth or Gnomes, The Water or Undines, The Fire or Salamanders and the Air or Sylphs. For Fukushima I would use the Fire and Water elementals.
The Undines deal with anything to do with water. Humans think of them often as Mermeid people. That is a good analogy. They can help purify that water in those tanks and leaking into the Ocean.
“See the undines. These are the spring or Water Elementals. The undines live in the invisible spiritual essence called humid ether or liquid. Beauty is the essence of the Water spirits, and they abound in symmetry and grace. They control Water and this has always been a female duty. For this reason they most often appear in female form" from Seasons Within by Leon Davis”
Now we come to the Powerhouse Elementals, the Fiery Salamanders. These Beings are powerful and a bit scary to look at. They resemble tongues of fire and have fiery glowing eyes. Some can be huge, some tiny. But they all work for us, the awakened ones. Their fire can consume all that radiation and change it into harmless substances. BELIEVE THIS for it is true.
"There sitting on cross-legged on the grass dressed in a long, flowing, and loudly-patterned robe, was their fellow Student. She was gazing intently at a fire burning within the stone circle that emitted a powerful aroma that Jonathon couldn’t identify… “I have been waiting for you. Stare into the fire and breathe deeply of the incense…Look for a lizard shape amongst the flames,” she whispered. Endless moments passed before Jonathon began to make out a lizard-shaped object writhing within the flames. “If you believe, you will see it. You are seeing the mythological elemental entity known as the salamander. It brings warmth to the world… (it) must be present before fire can exist. Often they appear as small balls of light and sometimes as tongues of flame running over fields or peering into houses” " from Seasons Within by Leon Davis…
So How do you involve these mythical unseen creatures? First thing is to know they are there and part of Creation in this Universe. There are many unseen things and it does not mean they do not exist. Second Know that you can command them by the internal rights of who you really are. And third know that it is done above so bellow....
Know that you can be one of these of your own chosing. That you can help by using this Universe and all the Energy in it to help. Use your Power Wands, use your mind, use your intention, but DO IT!. I do not intend to tell anyone exactly how to do this but I can tell you all how it worked for me. Again I do not consider this religion but how this Universe works. First get into your self by what ever means and know that you can do it. Then you may wish to say words like
By the Power Vested in me by the Universal Creation, I call upon the Elementals of Water and Fire, Undines and Fiery Salamanders, to concentrate their efforts in Fukushima Japan and to take all that radiation and turn it harmless. I give you all of my Energy freely and with Love.
Simple yet powerful. And I weary of all this stuff for the burden is heavy and leave with a few words of wisdom and visual of one of Nicholas Roerich's paintings.
"We are concerned with the pollution of the body of the Earth; we are concerned with the pollution of elemental life. Where elemental life and the Earth body itself have not been able to bear the toxins, the waste materials, the chemical by-products and the nuclear by-products, so the bodies of mankind have had to bear that weight, and mankind as a whole, and especially the Lightbearers, walk with the cross on the Via Dolorosa. They walk carrying that cross; and sometimes they fall beneath the weight of that cross as they bear it unknowingly, jointly with elemental life. We are concerned with all pollution and the pollution of the seas and the air and the pollution of the food; and we see that there are times when the lightbearers can scarcely lift their bodies, so charged are they with the negative charge that results from the imbalance that is being placed upon the ecosystem of Terra" Pelleur

Saturday, August 31, 2013

WAR...Rumors of WAR...War drums pounding away...Death looms on the horizon. I must digress and address this for what it is. An attempt by the forces of darkness to try and stop what is happening. The Energy expansion is unstoppable and they are desperate. See they KNOW that they can't move on and their time is up. This planet is on a cusp and all must decide to move on to the next level or fall back and be left behind. So what is all behind this? I will tell you a story. One very old but must be told. The Earth has been host to several cycles of civilizations. We are currently on the 6th Root Race. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky described it in her book The Secret Doctrine.
She founded the Theosophical Society and they brought out lots of hidden information. There are other stories but this one goes to the heart of the Middle East conflict.
In the asteroid belt of the solar system, located between Mars and Jupiter, revolve magnetic chunks of the ancient planet Maldek, a monument to the perfidy of the laggards and their denial of the power of the creative Spirit of pure Being
God Tabor
Strange, a God? More on that later. Well Long ago and I will fail to say when there was a planet between Mars and Jupiter. We shall call this planet Maldek the remnants are what is left of the asteroid belt and what they are calling now Ceres. On Maldek there was an advance civilization. Due to their miss use of the energies that surround us all, they came into conflict, war.
These beings and I do not know or care what they looked like miss used their life force energy and became violent. War disease took their toll. Eventually in a quest to destroy the other side, they set off a chain reaction that blew up their planet, killing all. This was extremely tragic.
Eventually, those Councils of Light that are custodians of these lifestreams evolutions, decided that their offense was so great towards Life that they were taken to the Second Death and their energies re-polarized. A few on both sides were deemed worthy of a chance and they were sent to Earth, to balance and learn from their evil ways. These are called Laggards. They have taken root mostly in the Middle East area of the world. That is the root of this conflict between the arabs and the jews. Even within islam they have been fighting for 1400 years. So we come full circle to Syria. This is a strange story and I suggest that it is true. We have in modern times seen how Bush started 2 wars based on lies of WMDs. Obama attacked Libya and now wants to star a war in Syria. John Kerry is beating the war drum like there is no stopping him.
True Peace can only be when WE DECIDE that there will be peace. As Obama pushes like Hell for War, tell him simply no. We do not need another war to kill more people, we need Peace. It is a conscious decision to make. Now that you know about the laggards and they are truly on their last legs. Is it worth it to go to war over? Let them decide their own fate. We should decide what we want on this our Earth.
The black hats have been put on notice and are desperately scared thinking they can still win this one. The truth is that they have already lost. How much longer are we going to let them think they are winning? Do your part and that is really all you can do. As they used to say
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
and I do apologize for the bit of religious stuff. I do not consider this religious at all but then some may. I leave you all with a visual of the Acropolis of Athens by Leo von Klenze (1846).
For Victory is here, and there is a New Day and the Golden Age has come into manifestation as we stand. For you are the beginning. You are that Spark of Light that will light and ignite the world. And you will carry my Torch and my Fire from the Heart of Truth and the Heart of the Sun.
On October 11, 1998, Beloved Vesta

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Today I want to take up the subject of an energy vortex. It is only a classification I give to energy intensity and action. We have the energy point such as crystals and gemstones. Then we go to Grids and that puts out a forcefield. Then we have a vortex which is an forcefield in motion. Then there is the Portal and that is well lets leave it that way and lastly we have the Gateway. I will not deal with portals or gateways because they are unreachable without massive amounts of energy. And frankly they scare me a little. Besides why open up a hole in the fabric of space time? There are many natural vortexes in the USA that can be experienced and
I'll talk about those. This web site centers on people that call themselves vortex hunters . There are other places all over the world where these exist and people gravitate towards them. Sometimes the energy increases and it becomes temporarily a portal to other dimensions. Yikes! I don't want that.
This spiral was observed over Norway in 2009. I think it could be man made but I've read that its a natural effect. There are reports of pillars of light from Japan and elsewhere in the world. Real or a hoax? Natural vortexes have an effect on plants. This one is in a Sedona vortex. Besides other worldwide sites there are quite powerful vortexes in the United States. Most notable being the Oregon Vortex, Mount Shasta Vortex, and the four Sedona, Arizona vortexes.
Superstition Mountain, Arizona is also the home of energy vortexes. The vortexes in the Superstition Mountains seem to be much more mysterious, subtle, and depend on the coming together of certain conditions to manifest. People just naturally gravitate to these places for many reasons. But they all say something, and that that it is there calling them. Well, you may ask How do you know they are there? Some can feel the energies. I've used some dowsing rods to find one in the backyard of my sister's house.
I felt it and used the rods to confirm, more on those later. I also asked my friend to verify and she told me she knows of another vortex at a house. The energy from that one pulsates up and down and spins clockwise and counterclockwise. These things are seldom static. You can travel to Sedona and elsewhere and experience this so I thought why do I have to go there? Why can't I make one that is portable? I decided to give it a try. I had been experimenting with selenite wands. I wish I had a camera that records these energies.
I knew it had to be in a round shape and that I had to have crystals between the rods and center focus. So the first test of this portable vortex was at a gathering at a Drumming Circle at the beach to celebrate Wesak. One interesting thing is that these portable vortexes leave a residue once taken down. I picked the number 16 based on size of the wands and what Source wanted. Please note that my wands are energy magnets of sort. It was a natural progression of my work.
This is what it looked like.
The number 16 is a Karmic Number, and people under its influence need to keep their feet on the path of higher learning. They must cultivate their personal willpower, independence and initiative action, to enable them to overcome obstacles that come into their life experiences. Strong-willed and with a fine analytical mind, 16's need to know everything about everything! Study, research and anything 'New Age' interests the 16's mind. They will have many psychic experiences during their lifetime
Well that's me. This is it surrounding a medicine circle. I used 16 selenite sticks and in between them there was citrine. The center stones were a big chunk of amethyst, an Anandalite cluster and brown aragonite for grounding (important). That circled drew in about 80 people. It was spinning and going up and down. Shamans know this and they use it in their own way. Note this one is broken on the left. Its been deactivated until needed again. Regardless residue remains.
The second time it was used was in a seminar I attended. I obtained permission to set it up, very important. I set it aside and placed a chair in the middle and invited participants to sit and use the energies. It was there and they felt it. I was told that it was pulsating up and down. See, it was preprogrammed with intention to heal. Yes the beauty of this is that it can be programmed. There was this one lady that kind of hogged it. She must have needed it. I've since kicked it up a notch by adding copper and blue kyanite to the sticks. That essentially turns each stick into a power energy and there are 16 of them! I leave you with a quotation of my favorite inventor and engineer. I promise I will revisit this subject again. Namaste.
Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. This idea is not novel. Men have been led to it long ago by instinct or reason; it has been expressed in many ways, and in many places, in the history of old and new. We find it in the delightful myth of Antheus, who derives power from the earth; we find it among the subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians and in many hints and statements of thinkers of the present time. Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic! If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic — and this we know it is, for certain — then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature
Nikola Tesla address to the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London (February 1892)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Energy. Some times it feels like this. The only question is what to do about it? Old Shakespear had it right
To Be or Not To be. That is the question
Do we keep in the old paradigm or move on to the new one? That is the nature of change, you must be a willing participant to do it right. Progress never happens without change and a little discomfort.
So if this happens. Survive it first, get up and ride again. We can't do much other than RIDE THE WAVE or get tumbled up in it and that can't be pleasant. There is a restlessness in the air. I can feel it. As the Black Hats are trying mightily to kick start WW III in the Middle East, do not despair, they are desperate and in duress. They know that they can't ride it and will be caught in it. The NWO is done for and doomed to fail. There are signs all around us if you know where to look. But that is an unpleasant thought.
Consciously decide that you are not going to be a part of it and leave them behind. Decide to put out one wonderfully good thought a day. Just one. As this grows, millions will follow and at 10%, watch out! Thoughts are things. Strive to put out the good ones and forget the bad ones. You do not want that Karma on your head. I know, I've been kicked in the head before and it wasn't pleasant. Who wants that? I don't.
The ancients knew about it. Physicists are just realizing this fact with quantum mechanics. It is not religion. I did some Reiki yesterday. The energies kicked in high, much more than normal. I'm still charged up from it today. This is the time. A quick update on my power wand.
This is what it looks like. The 2 crystals at the end are herkimer diamonds. the black kyanite is on the side. I just spoke with the owner of the mine where the azeztulite will come from. Can't wait. This one will be an energy waterfall of sorts. I Am excited. I leave with some words of wisdom. Can you tell who? A clue is in Nashville Tennessee of all places.
This Earth will have a Golden Age. And it will contain the Truth and the Light of the Ascended Master Octave. And you will be able to look back at some future time yourself from the Ascended Master Octave and be able to say 'I remember the beginning of that Golden Age for I was there. Now my children's children are carrying on. I choose to help. I choose to stay with Earth's evolutions

Sunday, August 25, 2013

This is what I feel right now energywise. It is really amazing to be here at this time of great happenings. The earth is churning and things are happening
The game is afoot! - Sherlock Holmes.
I will continue on my Power Wand journey. I look down at the box that came with 12 Selenite sticks a few days ago and there is only 2 left. Where did they go? No matter I can get more thanks to the good folks at Crysalistone. I also have a local place called Five Sisters that have good stuff.
So I pick a piece and ask what would you wish to become? I start to shape and cut and sand a little and eventually it reveals itself. I generally work with a cuboid shape with right angles. This one has a trapezoidal shape. It is also called a a convex quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides. I carved a trapezoidal cuboid. There is some controversy as to that shape because the dark side uses it but they use it to break up energy and misuse it. Look at pictures of the funeral of John Paul II on Google and see what I mean. I use it to collect and amplify the good energy.
Egyptian Temples used this shape in their doorways and it was basically the shape I used. I have 2 slanting sides and 4 parallel and at right angles. Mythically it completes the square and covers the bases. I also try to get the surfaces smooth. Inclusion in the Selenite are natural and sometimes they have crystals imbedded in the piece. I sand shave and polish until smooth. Then I take it outside and let it sit in the sun for about 1 hour. You can go longer but they get really hot to the touch so be careful.
Look at what happens to it when I use a flash on the piece. It glows. That is how light interacts with it and why I love the mineral. Smoothing the ends aids in this transmission of energy. You know it is right when light shines through it clearly as if it was fiberoptic cables. Polishing with a wet cloth will add to the smoothness and create a shine. That is what you are shooting for here. Next comes the copper. Why copper? I think it acts like an antennae and amplifies the electromagnetic spectrum. I've tried wrapping it and using it longitudinally and come to prefer the later.
These steps will not achieve the max benefit unless correct intent is used. This is Key. Intuition is key. Do not force the energies but let them flow like water over rocks. I can't stress this enough. It is not enough to do this in the same way or to just make money because it will not work. You must be at the right place in your heart to do this right. Warning: You could pull in negative energies under some cases if not done right. I advise to place a piece of Black Kyanite on these wands, specially the really powerful ones to aid in the grounding. At least, filter it through a piece of Blue Kyanite.
You do not want this to happen to you (a kick in the head). These energies are real and powerful. They must be stepped down like a transformer. Ask your Guides or Source to help you out before using them. I do not mean to discourage experimentation but be careful. Discern, use your intuition.
When things go right, you get a process of awakening. A wonderful thing that you will say "How did I missed this until now?". I plan on building this particular wand for myself to be used on this awakening process. I will of course document this as an aid to others. Again this is not religion. This is how this universe operates. People invented religion to be able to deal with these things. The electromagnetic spectrum is infinite both ways. We are on an escalator of frequencies that keep getting faster and faster. RIDE THE WAVE! Don't get left behind! Namaste