I recently came up on this Chi thing and since my interests lie in energy and force fields, I pursued, it.
I know of this thing called the Cosmic Egg. It is an energy construct that is used for protection from negative influences. I have also used energy ball emissions from my mind into certain situations that needed it. I have not come to consider that such energy can affect the physical world. This is a game changer. So the next question is how does one learn to do thiese things and apply the to healing? The Oriental seem to know way more than the West about this. I think its because of the present day Christianity and their exclusivity that they teach. I fully believe that Jesus taught and used these same principles to heal like he did. That art was lost or expunged from the Bible by sinister forces. Enough of religion. This is not it.
So the good part is that there are resources available that helps in this Chi Energy System.
When I do Reiki healing sessions, I often feel the energy through my hands as a heat sensation. is this the same? I think it is just in a different modality.
Here is another example of this energy most likely from Japan. Note the face expression on the fellow as he tries to hit the guy sitting down. So here is the million dollar question: How does a person develop or learns to use this Chi Energy? You can start by googling 'chi kung'. Expect people to charge for these lessons. But I strongly suspect that this energy system is not and end in itself. There are others. So I can't wait to try this now. Here is a simple exercise to try.
Now to create a Chi ball Follow this simple exercise, I know I will be doing it.
First and foremost, shield yourself with a Ball of White Light to protect you and the
energy you are about to build for yourself.
Sit in a chair with your feet on the floor. Look at your hands palms up. See them, the
lines that create the skin, the fingers, and the palms. Now take your hands and place
them at just chest level, comfortable for you to work easily with during this exercise.
Mysterious...just up my alley. So that led to something called the energy bubble. Here is a short video of a demonstration of this principle in application.Put simply, chi (qi) is that which gives life. In terms of the body, chi is that which differentiates a corpse from a live human being.
To use a Biblical reference, it is that which God breathed into the dust to produce Adam. Chi is also the basis of acupuncture.
A strong life force makes a human being totally alive, alert and present while a weak force results in sluggishness and fatigue. You can increase and develop your chi to overcome illness, become more vibrant and enhance mental capacity.
This guy seems to have mastered a thing for energy. He seems to manipulate other people's bodies using some energy principle like a real Jedi Master would. If you look up his videos on youtube, you see that he does not use any force at all. He may touch but he directs what he wants to happen using his hand motions. He learned so can we.
So I thought can I feel this energy? I decided to give it a try. I closed my eyes and I placed my hands apart palms facing each other. I them slowly oscillated them towards each other and I actually could feel an energy field between them. It felt like heat to me. Similar to the wand energy and the Reiki energy. There was something there. Now, I do not pretend to be able to do what that Lama guy does but he's mastered it. In my case the distance from the edge of the energy field was about 14 inches. Note I did not try to do any sizing just feel the energy and I doubt it means anything at this stage. I suspect that it is all the same thing and different modalities are just a method to get one in touch with that energy.
Here is another example of this energy most likely from Japan. Note the face expression on the fellow as he tries to hit the guy sitting down. So here is the million dollar question: How does a person develop or learns to use this Chi Energy? You can start by googling 'chi kung'. Expect people to charge for these lessons. But I strongly suspect that this energy system is not and end in itself. There are others. So I can't wait to try this now. Here is a simple exercise to try.
Now to create a Chi ball Follow this simple exercise, I know I will be doing it.
First and foremost, shield yourself with a Ball of White Light to protect you and the
energy you are about to build for yourself.
Sit in a chair with your feet on the floor. Look at your hands palms up. See them, the
lines that create the skin, the fingers, and the palms. Now take your hands and place
them at just chest level, comfortable for you to work easily with during this exercise.
- Take your hands with your palms facing each other. Hold them close to each other and feel the energy, the heat as it builds.
- Now slowly bring your hands apart to about 4 inches from one another and allow the energy to travel with the motion. The energy is warm, and you can feel it build between your two palms.
- Mold that energy with your hands to form a ball round and complete. With your hands in this position, take a breath through your nose and breath with your diaphragm deep and strong.
- Carry the breath to your solar plexus and draw it deep.
- Now exhale through your mouth, quietly; and evenly. Take two more breaths.
- On the fourth breath, you will now direct the exhalation to the palms and blow your breath into the space between your hands. You are giving the space/ball between your hands your Light Energy. Feel the energy go to the space between your hands. Feel a heartbeat in the space between your hands, and take a moment and feel that energy build with gentle power.
- Allow your hands to form a ball around the energy you have created.
So now that you have created a Chi Ball, What do you do? Well you could fill it with something for somebody like healing energy, love, what ever and send it to them. Here is how to do that.
- Surround yourself with a ball of White Light. Call in your guides, healing guides and angels to be there with you.
- Gently touch your Solar Plexus to give it the signal that you are activating the centering energy.
- With your palms facing each other, form a ball of energy. Mold it with your hands to any size you wish.
- Next, give it color. For instance, if you wish to have gold Chi Ball with a white stripe around the middle; speak to the Chi Ball and intend the Ball to be gold and have a white stripe around the middle.
- Then take that deep breath through your nose and blow the breath out the mouth into the ball you have just formed with your hands.
- To fill it with energy, open the ball with your dominant hand, and intend exactly what you wish to go into the ball - the person’s name, the amount of time it is to be used; and any other pertinent information needed for the intention of the Chi Ball or.
- Take a deep breath and blow that energy into the ball.
- Now close the ball with your dominant hand, and take a deep breath and intend for the ball with your breath to go to the recipient of the Chi Ball.
- Take another breath and blow the Chi Ball to the person you are sending it to, while blessing and sending it on its way.
Be sure to indicate to the intended person exactly what to expect and how long the Chi Ball will be active. Now the last thing is to instruct them how to receive and use.
- Shield yourself with a ball of White Light, call in your guides, angels, then call in the Chi Ball by intent:
- “I now call in the Chi Ball that carries the (intended energy) from (sender). I accept this Chi Ball now with Love, Light, peace and gratitude. “
- Visualize the ball directly in front of you. Open it with your dominant hand and draw the energy out of the Chi Ball. It will pour out of the Chi Ball and begin to attune/bring energy of healing to you.
- After the is over, thank your guides/angels for their help, close the Chi Ball and if it is there for specific periods of time to use, indicate that you will use it later. It will stay where you put it until the next session.
- If you are through with the energy within it, take a breath and send the Chi Ball into the Light to be used to heal, bring peace and help the world in times of need.
So there you have it. I will be practicing this and I hope you will too. It sounds like lots of fun!
RIDE THE WAVE... Namaste