Sunday, November 10, 2013

Your Mind, the Matrix and Maya


What is the Matrix? Most have seen the Matrix movies and I particularly loved them. There is a more in depth reason and meaning for such movies and why they are released. Do not ever go searching for that meaning in the Abrahamic religions, all 3 of them. They are part of the created Matrix that I am referring to. See, they mean to externalize what is and for ever will be internal and unchanging. 
 In Sanskrit the Matrix is termed Maya, meaning the power of creative illusion, or Matrika in Kashmir Shaivism.
She is the feminine polarity, the Yin side, and she produces the hologram for the Oneness as the Observer that dwells in the Heart.
Lucky for us it is already part of some Eastern religious lore. The ancients know way more than present day religions give them credit for. One must read a little of modern physics to know that atomic structures are mostly empty space. Most scientists do not know what being solid is. It seems that way to our 5 senses but in reality they theorize that atoms can be seen a clouds of probability. 

Some call this field Quantum Mechanics and its the study of matter at the sub atomic level. See, they found out that classical physics breaks into different rules of behavior at those scales. They are finding out that the Mind is way more important of how we perceive out world than most give it credit for. Some teachers say, your mind controls your Universe and they are correct. But it must be understood and applied.

Consider that every thing you see and hear are nothing more than electrical signals processed by your brain. When I see my computer, I see it as my brains processes that information. I know its there because I can see and feel its keyboard...but is it really there? If you have no senses, how can you perceive the outside world? Close your eyes and sit in a very quiet room and you'll soon start to experience  the nature of simply being.

There is a movie by the name of Dark City. It deals with this subject in a sci-fi story. Why movies? Some times it is the best way for your mind to consider these things. In it humans live in an alien manufactured world that is changed once a day cycle. They use the power of their minds to affect the environment.

So if we live in a manufactured Universe, then I must ask who manufactured it? Or for what purpose? Those are million dollar questions that have been asked over Millennia by those brave enough to ask them. Most people go about their lives not even paying attention or considering things of this nature other than their own self gratification.

Consider the Rat Race, out of control Debt and hopelessness that is thrusted upon us and then we are told to take it and conform! REALLY! CONFORM?

 No one has ever broken those self imposed shackles that did conform. Rebel! Question! Challenge! There are forces at work that want to keep you dumb and stupid unable to do those things.
The Age of Enlightenment is upon us and it is beckoning us to WAKE UP from the stupor that those forces have placed us in and we have allowed them to do it.

Light up the fire of Freedom. They do not like that and hate it and will leave you alone for it. For it spells the end of their control of your self.

I speak about they a lot. In the Matrix, they can be thought up as the mechanical machines that place people in the Matrix. Ever thought as to why the creator of the Matrix in the movies looks so much like the 

Baron Guy de Rothschild?

It is more than just coincidence here. I was just floored that they allowed such a thing to come out in the Matrix movies.

Note the nature of the Beast that tries to control the Matrix for its own purposes. Know that the mind is a more powerful thing than most realize. It is a most potent weapon in your Being Arsenal.

This is the information that is being kept from the people. Make your own Matrix and become a self aware creator. Think of the power that is available there.

Sounds fantastic and it is to consider such a far out idea and concept. Our ability to be able to see the Invisible Realms is regulated by the pineal gland and pituitary glands. Because these man-made molecules added to the food and water and with chemical trails in the air send confusing signals to them, they can’t work properly. Do you think this is accidental?

I wrote about the Pineal Gland in another article for this blog. This is important stuff. I have experimented and tested some of this by clearing, detoxifying that gland. I can tell you all that I can feel myself becoming more psychic and intuitive. I can see what was hidden before!

I read about that horrible Typhoon that creamed the Philippines and instinctively I KNEW ...  it to be man made and artificial for the purposes of punishing that Nation for what they are attempting to do monetary wise. Later on I got the proof of it and is fantastic and borders on the sci-fi realm.

I will not tell you things that I have not tested myself. And I do believe in testing and questioning and dare to seek out truth however fantastic it sounds.

The Only Refuge we have is a higher consciousness. One can achieve this by cleaning out your pineal gland first

The Observer is the ATMA/Soul or Spirit/Purusha.
Identify your consciousness with that Observer within you.
You are That. Tat Tvam Asi.
You have always been that. Remember.

Thus non-duality, meaning the Oneness, and duality, the appearance of multiplicity in the hologram, do exist simultaneously.
The hologram is temporal, fleeting - the Oneness is eternal.

So BE your true self. Activate your Being. Know it and experience and be free.
Remember to RIDE THE WAVE...Namaste

I really like this graphic...

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