Thursday, July 25, 2013

I started an online store at Etsy where most of my work can be viewed and purchased by people who are drawn to these items. My journey started a few years ago when I got interested in Tibetan Prayer Wheels. I learned how they are constructed and built several, in 3 series based on core technology. I've made traditional paper cores, microfilm, CD, and DVD cores. The largest one is 68 Trillion prayers on about 110 DVDs.
I'm about to miniaturize using flash drive technology but like all things they must be tested to see if the energy flows as it should. I've also been interested in Crystals and their uses. I'm in the process of building a Chakra System of Healing using a Portable Energy Vortex. I had a chance to test out the vortex and it is POWERFUL! I also started to build meditation/healing wands that feel like they came from the Temples of Healing.
I'm a Reiki Master who was initiated on February of 2013. My main interests are in energy and force fields. I approach all of this with a sense of awe. I let the energies flow, and move wherever they lead. There are great changes happening on this Earth. We are so fortunate to be here at this time. Words from some of my favorite people:
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla
"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." ― Gautama the Buddha
"The crystal is a neutral object whose inner structure exhibits a state of perfection and balance. When it's cut to the proper form and when the human mind enters into relationship with its structural perfection, the crystal emits a vibration which extends and amplifies the power of the user's mind. Like a laser, it radiates energy in a coherent, highly concentrated form, and this energy may be transmitted into objects or people at will." -- Marcel Vogel
"All are waves on the same, one ocean, composed, as ocean water is, of the same substance: Spirit. Some of the waves are higher then others. Some waves don’t even want to distance themselves from the ocean. All waves, no matter how high, are in essence one and the same. The difference between the Guru and the disciples, then, lies only in their respective closeness to the ocean: in how conscious each one is of his essential reality. The greater the sense of ego, the taller the wave, and the greater, in consequence, the ignorance. The greater one’s awareness of the ocean as one’s soul reality, the smaller the wave, and also the less his sense of having a separate individuality" -- Paramahansa Yogananda
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science." -- Albert Einstein

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