Sunday, November 17, 2013

Nikola Tesla, The Most Important Man In A Long Time.

Today I will talk about my Hero, Nikola Tesla. I don't have many but he is one of them.  American school books talk about some one else that did not contribute as much and ignore this man. See, Edison was just a tinkerer compared to Tesla's genius and he is the one the books mention. But what Tesla gave the world we all use everyday. AC Power, motors, transformers, radio, fluorescent lights, many other things and what has been heavily suppressed, FREE ENERGY. Yes free as in it does not cost a thing to get! That was J P Morgan's doing, the Industrialist, Banker and member of the Illuminati. He could not figure out where to put the meter to charge for the free energy so he suppressed it because it did not suit his plans for the world.

The man Tesla was no fool but a business man he was not. It just wasn't in him. He struggled all his life to get enough money to conduct his experiments. He had Industrialists who bought his patents and largely pretended to give him money but it was never enough to succeed in what he wished to give mankind. His talks and documentation are full of misdirection for very good reasons. He knew who he was dealing with.

Much has been written about him and this is not the intent of this blog article. Just google Nikola Tesla and read to your heart's content. Here is a list of his 10 most important inventions.

  1. Alternating Current -- He lit the 1893 World's Expo in Chicago using power transmitted from his generating plant in Niagara Falls.
  2. Light -- Tesla developed and used florescent bulbs in his lab some 40 years before industry (Edison) "invented" them. 
  3. X-rays -- He invented machines that took x-rays.
  4. Radio -- Guglielmo Marconi was initially credited, and most believe him to be the inventor of radio to this day.  However, the Supreme Court overturned Marconi's patent in 1973, when it was proven that Tesla invented the radio years previous to Marconi. 
  5. Remote Control -- This invention was a natural outcropping of radio. Patent No.613809 was the first remote controlled model boat, demonstrated in 1898.
  6. Electric Motor -- Tesla invented the AC motor all in his head and perfected it, when built, it worked.
  7. Robotics -- Tesla's overly enhanced scientific mind led him to the idea that all living beings are merely driven by external impulses.
  8.  Laser -- Tesla's invention of the laser may be one of the best examples of the good bound up together within the mind of man. 
  9. Wireless Communications 
  10. Limitless Free Energy -- These 9,10 are inextricably linked, as they were the last straw for the power elite.
So its been reported that he died on January 7 1943 at the New Yorker Hotel in New York City. His remains were cremated and he now sits in this Urn at a Museum in Serbia. 

I am more interested in who really was Nikola Tesla and what really happened to him. At the time of his death all his papers disappeared from his hotel room and his storage place was cleaned out of apparatus and papers. These were all taken by the US Government. It was only after much court fighting that some were returned. Some just plain disappeared. 
Some would up in the Soviet Union. 

Here he is at a time close to his death. I know that Tesla was involved in the WWII invisibility project known as The Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk experiments for the US Government. He knew that it would be dangerous and he objected. The Government people grew impatient and got rid of him and gave the project to a Dr. John von Neumann. People died horribly. 

Now I have come to new information, to me at least, that Tesla did not die. His death was orchestrated. He was in fact taken prisoner to London's underground where he was tortured in an attempt to get him to work for these evil men that he opposed. Why would these insidious people torture a little old man?

So who's ashes are in that Urn? Some one that looked like him just long enough to cremate him and then say it was Tesla. Sounds fantastic and it is. Some call this conspiracy theorists, which is really a cop-out way to PC compliance to the party line that they want all to believe. You can google Tesla's  TESLA PATENT 1,655,113 METHOD OF AERIAL TRANSPORTATION Patented Jan 3, 1928 #1655113.

Later on he alluded wisely of a better way to fly without wings using a type of electrogravitic propulsion system. He correctly suspected that high voltage and frequencies affect gravity. This is what it is thought the device would look like. 

Well friends, that looks like to me like flying saucer kind of stuff. So I must revisit the question of who was really Nikola Tesla? 
Given his history and his inventions way ahead of his time, it all fits in.

This is where it gets weird and fantastic and it makes sense to me at least. My source and I am not ready to divulge it other than to say that if you look, you can find it also, states that Tesla was indeed not of this Earth...

So, are you still with me? May I continue? It is further stated that he was from a place in the Sirian Star System. He is from the planet Sirius B.  So what I am suggesting is that Tesla was not originally from here. Did he come here in a flying saucer? I don't think so but he was born in but was not of this Earth. That is plausible with my understanding of things. 
He was always considered different by those who knew him. He explained this away by claiming to be born of a Hungarian lineage and many could accept this, for they did not know what a Hungarian person would be like and they attributed his strangeness to his being a foreigner.

 He had weird habits. He worked at night, lived in a hotel and never married. He wore a fancy suit to work. Ate his food to a specified pattern and always had served coffee but did not drink it. He was very odd and had few friends and was loyal to them. One of his best was Samuel Langhorne Clemens or Mark Twain. 

Upon his capture and imprisonment he suffered greatly and he did finally come to realize that his brothers and sisters on the GFC were indeed correct that his inventions were not right for those times.
Those in power, those in the dark cabal, took his inventions and have used them for insidious dark purposes. His wish to capture free energy for all to have available – for he understood how trans-formative it would be for the world itself and the humans on that world – was never brought forward, indeed it has been suppressed since that time and he saw the folly of his ways. It was when he saw this and communicated to the GF that they finally did come and return him back to their ranks and it is seen he is there yet, for his age is quite old already, but this is a different story.
So this fantastic story does have a good end. While in captivity and from the source, Tesla was tortured but did not give in. He was simply taken from that hideous underground place by his brethren and taken to a place where he had friends. He is still there mighty old but still there and ready to help planet Earth.
It was then that he finally started to see those whom he had been in cooperation with were really of the BLACK HAT VARIETY and were not independent of them after all as he had assumed. He thought he was talking to those representatives of the American government that were in the Light, that were not under the influence of the dark ones or Black Hats, and they went along with this. This is how the con occurred, and because he had the highest goals to help humanity, those who presented themselves falsely easily misled him.
This story goes on to say that he was conned by those he thought were on the right side of humanity. Once he was extracted from that dark place, the perpetrators could not publicly say a word because they had faked his death. It left them seething. Tesla was a brilliant man.

Indeed he was a brilliant man, but you must understand that much of his brilliance was brought with him from his training as a GF scientist, if you will. 
So this fantastic story does agree with me. It may not for you and I am glad he was able to get away from the grips of the Black Hats. See, Tesla did what he did because he wanted to help. That is a noble endeavor and will for ever have my gratitude. Thank you old friend.

RIDE THE WAVE and Namaste

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Chi, Breath, The Force, its all Energy Fields

 I recently came up on this Chi thing and since my interests lie in energy and force fields, I pursued, it.
Put simply, chi (qi) is that which gives life. In terms of the body, chi is that which differentiates a corpse from a live human being.

To use a Biblical reference, it is that which God breathed into the dust to produce Adam. Chi is also the basis of acupuncture.

A strong life force makes a human being totally alive, alert and present while a weak force results in sluggishness and fatigue. You can increase and develop your chi to overcome illness, become more vibrant and enhance mental capacity.
Mysterious...just up my alley. So that led to something called the energy bubble. Here is a short video of a demonstration of this principle in application.

This guy seems to have mastered a thing for energy. He seems to manipulate other people's bodies using some energy principle like a real Jedi Master would. If you look up his videos on youtube, you see that he does not use any force at all. He may touch but he directs what he wants to happen using his hand motions. He learned so can we. 
So I thought can I feel this energy? I decided to give it a try. I closed my eyes and I placed my hands apart palms facing each other. I them slowly oscillated them towards each other and I actually could feel an energy field between them. It felt like heat to me. Similar to the wand energy and the Reiki energy. There was something there. Now, I do not pretend to be able to do what that Lama guy does but he's mastered it. In my case the distance from the edge of the energy field was about 14 inches. Note I did not try to do any sizing just feel the energy and I doubt it means anything at this stage. I suspect that it is all the same thing and different modalities are just a method to get one in touch with that energy. 
I know of this thing called the Cosmic Egg. It is an energy construct that is used for protection from negative influences. I have also used energy ball emissions from my mind into certain situations that needed it. I have not come to consider that such energy can affect the physical world. This is a game changer. So the next question is how does one learn to do thiese things and apply the to healing? The Oriental seem to know way more than the West about this. I think its because of the present day Christianity and their exclusivity that they teach. I fully believe that Jesus taught and used these same principles to heal like he did. That art was lost or expunged from the Bible by sinister forces. Enough of religion. This is not it. So the good part is that there are resources available that helps in this Chi Energy System. When I do Reiki healing sessions, I often feel the energy through my hands as a heat sensation.  is this the same? I think it is just in a different modality.

Here is another example of this energy most likely from Japan. Note the face expression on the fellow as he tries to hit the guy sitting down. So here is the million dollar question: How does a person develop or learns to use this Chi Energy? You can start by googling 'chi kung'. Expect people to charge for these lessons. But I strongly suspect that this energy system is not and end in itself. There are others. So I can't wait to try this now. Here is a simple exercise to try.

 Now to create a Chi ball Follow this simple exercise, I know I will be doing it. 

 First and foremost, shield yourself with a Ball of White Light to protect you and the
energy you are about to build for yourself.
Sit in a chair with your feet on the floor. Look at your hands palms up. See them, the
lines that create the skin, the fingers, and the palms. Now take your hands and place
them at just chest level, comfortable for you to work easily with during this exercise.

  1. Take your hands with your palms facing each other. Hold them close to each other and feel the energy, the heat as it builds.
  2. Now slowly bring your hands apart to about 4 inches from one another and allow the energy to travel with the motion. The energy is warm, and you can feel it build between your two palms.
  3. Mold that energy with your hands to form a ball round and complete. With your hands in this position, take a breath through your nose and breath with your diaphragm deep and strong.
  4. Carry the breath to your solar plexus and draw it deep.
  5. Now exhale through your mouth, quietly; and evenly. Take two more breaths.
  6. On the fourth breath, you will now direct the exhalation to the palms and blow your breath into the space between your hands. You are giving the space/ball between your hands your Light Energy. Feel the energy go to the space between your hands. Feel a heartbeat in the space between your hands, and take a moment and feel that energy build with gentle power.
  7. Allow your hands to form a ball around the energy you have created.
So now that you have created a Chi Ball, What do you do? Well you could fill it with something for somebody like healing energy, love, what ever and send it to them. Here is how to do that.

  1. Surround yourself with a ball of White Light. Call in your guides, healing guides and angels to be there with you.
  2. Gently touch your Solar Plexus to give it the signal that you are activating the centering energy.
  3. With your palms facing each other, form a ball of energy. Mold it with your hands to any size you wish.
  4. Next, give it color. For instance, if you wish to have gold Chi Ball with a white stripe around the middle; speak to the Chi Ball and intend the Ball to be gold and have a white stripe around the middle.
  5. Then take that deep breath through your nose and blow the breath out the mouth into the ball you have just formed with your hands.
  6. To fill it with energy, open the ball with your dominant hand, and intend exactly what you wish to go into the ball - the person’s name, the amount of time it is to be used; and any other pertinent information needed for the intention of the Chi Ball or. 
  7. Take a deep breath and blow that energy into the ball.
  8. Now close the ball with your dominant hand, and take a deep breath and intend for the ball with your breath to go to the recipient of the Chi Ball.
  9. Take another breath and blow the Chi Ball to the person you are sending it to, while blessing and sending it on its way.
Be sure to indicate to the intended person exactly what to expect and how long the Chi Ball will be active. Now the last thing is to instruct them how to receive and use.

  1. Shield yourself with a ball of White Light, call in your  guides, angels, then call in the Chi Ball by intent:
  2. “I now call in the Chi Ball that carries the (intended energy) from (sender). I accept this Chi Ball now with Love, Light, peace and gratitude. “
  3. Visualize the ball directly in front of you. Open it with your dominant hand and draw the energy out of the Chi Ball. It will pour out of the Chi Ball and begin to attune/bring energy of healing to you.
  4. After the is over, thank your guides/angels for their help, close the Chi Ball and if it is there for specific periods of time to use, indicate that you will use it later. It will stay where you put it until the next session.
  5. If you are through with the energy within it, take a breath and send the Chi Ball into the Light to be used to heal, bring peace and help the world in times of need.
So there you have it. I will be practicing this and I hope you will too. It sounds like lots of fun!
RIDE THE WAVE... Namaste

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Your Mind, the Matrix and Maya


What is the Matrix? Most have seen the Matrix movies and I particularly loved them. There is a more in depth reason and meaning for such movies and why they are released. Do not ever go searching for that meaning in the Abrahamic religions, all 3 of them. They are part of the created Matrix that I am referring to. See, they mean to externalize what is and for ever will be internal and unchanging. 
 In Sanskrit the Matrix is termed Maya, meaning the power of creative illusion, or Matrika in Kashmir Shaivism.
She is the feminine polarity, the Yin side, and she produces the hologram for the Oneness as the Observer that dwells in the Heart.
Lucky for us it is already part of some Eastern religious lore. The ancients know way more than present day religions give them credit for. One must read a little of modern physics to know that atomic structures are mostly empty space. Most scientists do not know what being solid is. It seems that way to our 5 senses but in reality they theorize that atoms can be seen a clouds of probability. 

Some call this field Quantum Mechanics and its the study of matter at the sub atomic level. See, they found out that classical physics breaks into different rules of behavior at those scales. They are finding out that the Mind is way more important of how we perceive out world than most give it credit for. Some teachers say, your mind controls your Universe and they are correct. But it must be understood and applied.

Consider that every thing you see and hear are nothing more than electrical signals processed by your brain. When I see my computer, I see it as my brains processes that information. I know its there because I can see and feel its keyboard...but is it really there? If you have no senses, how can you perceive the outside world? Close your eyes and sit in a very quiet room and you'll soon start to experience  the nature of simply being.

There is a movie by the name of Dark City. It deals with this subject in a sci-fi story. Why movies? Some times it is the best way for your mind to consider these things. In it humans live in an alien manufactured world that is changed once a day cycle. They use the power of their minds to affect the environment.

So if we live in a manufactured Universe, then I must ask who manufactured it? Or for what purpose? Those are million dollar questions that have been asked over Millennia by those brave enough to ask them. Most people go about their lives not even paying attention or considering things of this nature other than their own self gratification.

Consider the Rat Race, out of control Debt and hopelessness that is thrusted upon us and then we are told to take it and conform! REALLY! CONFORM?

 No one has ever broken those self imposed shackles that did conform. Rebel! Question! Challenge! There are forces at work that want to keep you dumb and stupid unable to do those things.
The Age of Enlightenment is upon us and it is beckoning us to WAKE UP from the stupor that those forces have placed us in and we have allowed them to do it.

Light up the fire of Freedom. They do not like that and hate it and will leave you alone for it. For it spells the end of their control of your self.

I speak about they a lot. In the Matrix, they can be thought up as the mechanical machines that place people in the Matrix. Ever thought as to why the creator of the Matrix in the movies looks so much like the 

Baron Guy de Rothschild?

It is more than just coincidence here. I was just floored that they allowed such a thing to come out in the Matrix movies.

Note the nature of the Beast that tries to control the Matrix for its own purposes. Know that the mind is a more powerful thing than most realize. It is a most potent weapon in your Being Arsenal.

This is the information that is being kept from the people. Make your own Matrix and become a self aware creator. Think of the power that is available there.

Sounds fantastic and it is to consider such a far out idea and concept. Our ability to be able to see the Invisible Realms is regulated by the pineal gland and pituitary glands. Because these man-made molecules added to the food and water and with chemical trails in the air send confusing signals to them, they can’t work properly. Do you think this is accidental?

I wrote about the Pineal Gland in another article for this blog. This is important stuff. I have experimented and tested some of this by clearing, detoxifying that gland. I can tell you all that I can feel myself becoming more psychic and intuitive. I can see what was hidden before!

I read about that horrible Typhoon that creamed the Philippines and instinctively I KNEW ...  it to be man made and artificial for the purposes of punishing that Nation for what they are attempting to do monetary wise. Later on I got the proof of it and is fantastic and borders on the sci-fi realm.

I will not tell you things that I have not tested myself. And I do believe in testing and questioning and dare to seek out truth however fantastic it sounds.

The Only Refuge we have is a higher consciousness. One can achieve this by cleaning out your pineal gland first

The Observer is the ATMA/Soul or Spirit/Purusha.
Identify your consciousness with that Observer within you.
You are That. Tat Tvam Asi.
You have always been that. Remember.

Thus non-duality, meaning the Oneness, and duality, the appearance of multiplicity in the hologram, do exist simultaneously.
The hologram is temporal, fleeting - the Oneness is eternal.

So BE your true self. Activate your Being. Know it and experience and be free.
Remember to RIDE THE WAVE...Namaste

I really like this graphic...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Geometry Crystals and the Importance of Their Use.

I know this is going to sound fantastic or a bit crazy but there is POWER IN SHAPES! I do not say this lightly because I have tested this strange concept and found it to be true. Most of the Natural Shapes are found in Crystals of all types. We now because some sensitive people can and do feel the power in them. 

So you must ask your selves why is this so? Being an Electrical Engineer by training there are these things called Waveguides. Basically is a tuned shape to allow the passage of specific frequency without loss. 

Living in a thick soup of frequencies due to the Shift happening, there has never been a better time to take advantage of these energies.

Some people call this Sacred Geometry. What is it really? I think that they are advanced waveguides. 

In one of my other articles in this blog I spoke of the Merkaba Project. This was constructed of PVC pipe and Metal ends and held together by metal screws. It gave off a definite energy that I and others felt. Further more it seemed to concentrate a specific blue lightning type of energy that I saw.

 I just made last night a Vogel shaped object carved out of a piece of Selenite. Its not perfect but it does have a definite energy to it. It will be on my etsy shop soon. This morning I continued the trend and made what I can only call a Selenite Wedge that is also a pendant. It is 2.25 inches long and triangular in shape Its use is to slice through Negative Energy for the wearer. It will also be on my etsy store soon. I can't tell you why I do this but I know its use right away. I love working with Selenite. It is a natural waveguide for good energies. 

There is one fellow by the name of Joseph the Wand Maker. He loves Selenite like I do and what he creates are energy signatures as moving in time and space. What does that mean? It means that if you were to capture a picture of how energy moves in time it would look like his creations. He has a very interesting story to tell and I highly recommend you to check it out. His pieces are also acoustically resonant.

Why do people attribute special properties to crystals or minerals? This is not made up at all. They really have properties but its in the energy range of frequencies. 

No one knew this fact more clear than Dr. Marcel Vogel. He scientifically worked a way to shape quartz to be in tune with the frequency of the water molecule. His crystals are amazing. I have a small one that I use in Remote Reiki sessions for healing.

I design and make Grids using these principles containing selenite copper and crystals and they set up and give off energy that I feel as heat. This energy can be flavored using intent and I mainly use it for healing. I dare not use for bad things as that would make really bad Karma. This work is related to the Energy Vortex that I designed and built. It is now being used for someone that has cancer and needs healing.
I have 2 nice pieces of optical grade calcite that I keep close to me all the time. I like this mineral but have not found a specific use for it. They have slanted angles that fit together.
This is what I found on

Calcite increases and amplifies energy. This makes it an excellent stone for distance healing, as well as other types of healing. One of the energies it amplifies is learning abilities, and thus is a great stone for students.
Calcite is a protecting, grounding and centering stone, and can help bring inner peace. Since calcite also promotes creativity and imagination, this inner peace it can bring is a vibrant one.
Calcite has been said to increase prosperity. It can also be helpful in astral travel and in channeling, as well as increasing intuition. Calcite is also a stone of spirituality and wisdom.
All calcites are helpful in lessening of fear and reducing stress. Calcite is probably the premier cleanser of stored negative energies in the human system, and works on all levels from the physical to the etheric. This makes it a very purifying stone. It can also be used to clear negativity in the environment, such as a room that it's in. Optical calcite (Iceland Spar) is particularly good for bringing hope to fearful or stressful situations.
In the realm of relationships, calcite brings its properties of grounding and centering, to make it a stone of reconciliation. Calcite can ameliorate arguments in a relationship, and help maintain a practical balance between the people in the relationship.
Physically, calcites are good for back pain, increasing physical strength, teeth, eyes, and are generally good for healing. Clear calcite can be used for treating all conditions. It can also be used for detoxifying and as an antiseptic agent. Calcite is especially helpful with emotional and mental conditions.
Clear calcite can be used to open and balance all the chakras. 
Calcite of different colors is great for using to open and balance the various chakras. 
I strongly urge all to get these books by Katrina Raphaell on crystals, but her stuff is mainly geared towards healing. The other books I recommend are the ones by Judy Hall.

There are many ways to use crystals and I like to experiment. Give it a try and you'll see what shapes can do for you.


Saturday, November 2, 2013


The School of Hard Knocks or University of Hard Knocks is an idiomatic phrase meaning the (sometimes painful) education one gets from life's usually negative experiences, often contrasted with formal education


as the good Doctor Who would say. See most are all enrolled in this special University and if you are, that spells great things for you BECAUSE YOU MATTER! If you aren't...well then it does not matter at all because you don't...and that is a choice.
The Real Doctor
What does that mean? It simply means that you are on a Path that will take you back to bigger and much better things for you. It is highly personal. So I'll only talk about that side of the equation as the other is not so pretty or desirable.

Some of you are ready for this information, some aren't. That is OK. It does not mean you are a bad person, just that you need a few more lumps with a hammer on top of your head.

So necessarily I'll go off the deep end and state some fantastic things. There have been many previous civilizations on this planet. There, I said it. You may continue reading and finding out what or just go on with your life not wanting to know, its a choice.

What I am referring to is what is known as the time period of Atlantis. Plato mentioned it and others have brought forth many details though many means. Edgar Casey had lots to tell about it. It is famous for its sinking about 12,500 years ago. So see, the earth is not 6,000 years old as some believe. This mass of land is believed to have existed in the Atlantic ocean side of the Americas to the European land Masses. The Law of Karma can be read bout here.

This is a concept that has been expunged from the Abrahamic Religions for a sinister purpose. it exists mainly in the Eastern philosophies. Atlantis existed for hundreds of thousands of years. It wasn't the only advanced civilization at the time. Only at the end of about 12,500 years ago when its demise happened is what it is remembered for but there is way more. Yes it was a terrible time at the end but it was a period very rich in lessons for those enrolled in the University of Hard Knocks. See, Atlantis is being reborn in today's time, mainly the USA. Just as then there was a period of very rapid advancement technology wise. The same is happening to us now. How we deal with that will determine how and what will happen to us in the future. This is why this is important. The island of Cuba was part of that time of Atlantis. That is why what is happening there is and those that have left the Island have graduated to a higher degree. Most of those people have enrolled in the University in the USA, Canada and Mexico. We are to learn how to deal with those causes and effects like from long ago. I'm still over the deep end here so bear with me as this came to me as I woke up today and must write about.

ISMs. I will tell you that Communism manifested itself as a perversion of something greater. It is ingrained into our psyche as a very large negative and it is. We have been taught that Capitalism is good and beneficial and better that Communism. Both are perversions manifesting to benefit only a selected few while the rest of us linger and struggle. Capitalism's origin is not even from this Earth and has its roots with the Black Hats. Call it the rat race, hamsters in a wheel running very fast and getting nowhere faster. 

I am not endorsing Communism or Capitalism!

One sees through these philosophies once the roots are uncovered. Scientific advances will soon make it possible that all good high paying jobs will be largely automated. That means that in our present Capitalist structure less people will be able to have a higher standard of living while populations increase and we will be falling behind and will eventually be just serfs to a small minority of elites.

I strongly urge you to watch the movie Elysium. It is accurate in lots of details as to the present course will lead humanity unless corrections are made.

A new way must be found. One in which Humanity as a whole benefits from all the advances in Science and Spirituality. That is the way to go. It means that all your basic needs are easily met. People will be free to pursue higher endeavors without the basis threatened by the struggle and the rat race.

Enslavement of the monetary system must be stopped cold in its tracks...and will. Interest will be a thing of the past and even money will be useless. That is enough to scare the willies out of some people and their cries of socialism and communism will be loud. It certainly scares the Black Hats because it means the end of their power and control.

Back to Atlantis. Their basic mistake it seems was in their failure to make this change. They allowed the top elites to control and pervert all into Service-To-Self which is a dead end philosophy. We must as a Planet evolve from that into Service-to-Others.

Sadly or Fortunately, we are at that crossroad in the USA at the moment. There are political forces highly engaged in both parties designed to insure that the Elysium outcome becomes a reality. It is not up to those forces to decide but it is up to US TO DECIDE. Knowledge is POWER and they know it and it really really scares them. Make a choice today. It does not have to be radical.


You pick the way, You decide. By doing that, you are contributing and taking the forced choice from them to your free choice. This is not the end of this subject and it will be revisited. But for now RIDE WAVE.... namaste

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Crystal Crystals Beautiful Crystals

Quartz from
I have to tell you all that I love crystals. These Beauties of Nature come in many forms and chemical compositions. I'm partial to Quartz and closely followed by Selenite. 

Quartz is a mainly composed of SiO2 or silicon dioxide. What makes the different types are extra atoms of elements that give it shape and color, etc. It mainly grows in crystals having 6 sides. It is very hard. On the Mohs scale a 0 is talc and a diamond is 10, quartz falls between 7-8. It has nice properties also like Piezoelectricity, which means it creates electricity when squeezed! It holds a charge. One other property that I marvel at is triboluminescence.This is the ability to make light when striking 2 pieces. This is not fire as the same effect can happen under water. So, what are crystals?

There are a couple of ways to answer this question. I generally think in terms of crystal systems and lattice types. There are 7 crystal systems:
  • triclinic - usually not symmetrical from one side to the other, which can lead to some fairly strange shapes
  • monoclinic - like skewed tetragonal crystals, often forming prisms and double pyramids
  • orthorhombic - like tetragonal crystals except not square in cross section (when viewing the crystal on end), forming rhombic prisms or dipyramids (two pyramids stuck together)
  • tetragonal - similar to cubic crystals, but longer along one axis than the other, forming double pyramids and prisms
  • trigonal - possess a single 3-fold axis of rotation instead of the 6-fold axis of the hexagonal division
  • hexagonal - six-sided prisms. When you look at the crystal on-end, the cross section is a hexagon
  • cubic - not always cube shaped! You'll also find octahedrons (eight faces) and dodecahedrons (10 faces).
Lattices can either be primitive (only one lattice point per unit cell) or non-primitive (more than one lattice point per unit cell).
If you combine the 7 crystal systems with the 2 different types of lattices, you end up with 14 Bravais Lattices (named after Auguste Bravais who figured all this out in 1850).
Another way to answer your question is to categorize crystals by their physical/chemical properties. In this classification you have four types of crystals:
Covalent Crystals:
This is a crystal which has real chemical covalent between all of the atoms in the crystal. So really a single crystal of a covalent crystals is really just one big molecule. An example of this is a crystal like diamond or zinc sulfide. Covalent crystals can have extremely high melting points.
Metallic Crystals:
Individual metal atoms sit on lattice sites while the outer electrons from these atoms are able to flow freely around the lattice. Metallic crystals normally have high melting points and densities.
Ionic Crystals:
This is a crystal where the individual atoms don't have covalent bonds between them, but are held together by electrostatic forces. An example of this type of crystal is sodium chloride (NaCl). Ionic crystals are hard and have relatively high melting points.
Molecular Crystals:
This is a crystal where there are recognizable molecules in the structure and the crystal is held together by non-covalent interactions like van der Waals forces or hydrogen bonding. An example of this type of crystal would be sugar. Molecular crystals tend to be soft and have lower melting points.

Quartz Are used in Computers, Radios, TVs, clocks, etc. They have even been able to store a picture of the Mona Lisa in a quartz crystal and retrieve it. But mostly, I'm interested in the esoteric properties of quartz. Specifically the Work of Dr. Marcel Vogel. You can read about this wonderful man HERE.

Marcel Vogel was a scientist for IBM and he invented many things like liquid crystals and the black stuff that makes Disk Drives possible for information storage, etc. But his greatest work was with quartz crystals. See, he learned how to cut and shape them to be in tune with the frequency of water. He used these things to heal people and he did. These things are a finely tuned quantum projectors using the power of thought. He taught and was able to measure these energies with his lab equipment. The internet is filled with information about Marcel. youtube has some nice video of him giving lectures back in the 80s on how to use his crystals. Now these things have to be cut with precision and that is labor intensive. Only about 4 people in the world can do this work right and thus you can buy these crystals but are expensive.

12 Sided Smoky Vogel from 
This is a Vogel Cut crystal by one of Marcel's student cutters. His name is Drew Tousley and he lives in California. They are beautiful but highly functional. I have a small one about 2.5 inches that is a 12 sided smoky quarts cut by a guy in Brazil by the name of Ray Pinto. You can buy his stuff at also and while a bit pricey not as expensive as the beauty above. I use mine during my Reiki sessions after junk extraction with another tool that I made. This one is used to heal and seal. I would love to have one like that big one some day.

The most wonderful part of his teaching is that crystals can be programmed and cleared with the power of the mind and breath. I mostly program it to heal. 

I have a Lemurian Seed Crystals in all my cars hanging from the rear view mirror and I use it to make a protective shield around my my car when I drive it. These Crystals are very special and they come from Minas Grais Brazil only. Many people will say that they come from other places but they want to sell you something. 

One other thing is that these crystals have an intelligence about them. They have messages in them to those that can read it. I tried this and I can tell you that it is true and one of those crystals gave me a message.

I use crystals as conduits for directed energy. This can be outgoing or incoming. It all depends on the use and the situation at hand. I would recommend beginners to only use them for healing. 

You can learn lots of lore about crystals. I buy them and I test them and then I take them to my psychic friend and have her test them to verify.

Crystals are our friends and one should never do anything to break them or drill them for any reason. There are ways to handle them and they will cooperate if given respect.

This is a very large specimen of a Lemurian Seed Crystal from Brazil. It is probably sitting is a Museum or in some Private Collection.

Lemurian Seed Crystals are said to have originated in  a country known as Mu or Lemuria.  This civilization, according to the legends existed in ancient times in the area of the South Pacific.  The area is now beneath the sea.  The Lemurians are believed to have foreseen a cataclysmic event, and prepared the Seed Crystals to preserve their knowledge and traditions.  Legends tell us some of the Lemurians have departed the Earth for the stars and others inhabit the deep inner reaches of our planet, perhaps as light beings or spirits. The book Lemuria & Atlantis offers extensive details and deep understanding of Lemuria. 

The Lemurians are believed to have been a people much more focused on the emotional and spiritual world.  The knowledge they seeded is primarily concerned with spirituality and communication across the light spectrum to beings of higher energy levels.
A Lemurian Seed Crystal is usually either a communicator or healer.  It is difficult to determine beforehand which it is.  Most of them seem to be communicators.  They are often discovered to have a high efficacy in efforts to establish communication with Spirit Guides and Angels and it for this purpose they are most recommended.
 To use one, meditate quietly holding it in your right hand.  Slowly move your thumbnail up the etchings one by one expecting the presence of your Spirit Guide when you reach the top rung.  The energy of these crystals seems to be very focused and directional as if they were specially programmed.  Do not expect a Spirit Guide from the very high energy levels. These crystals seem to be attuned to "ordinary" spirits, ones that are closer to our energy level. These are "earth spirit" crystals.  from
Make it a point to learn about the crystals kingdom. I guarantee you will be amazed.

RIDE THE WAVE .... namaste