Saturday, November 2, 2013


The School of Hard Knocks or University of Hard Knocks is an idiomatic phrase meaning the (sometimes painful) education one gets from life's usually negative experiences, often contrasted with formal education


as the good Doctor Who would say. See most are all enrolled in this special University and if you are, that spells great things for you BECAUSE YOU MATTER! If you aren't...well then it does not matter at all because you don't...and that is a choice.
The Real Doctor
What does that mean? It simply means that you are on a Path that will take you back to bigger and much better things for you. It is highly personal. So I'll only talk about that side of the equation as the other is not so pretty or desirable.

Some of you are ready for this information, some aren't. That is OK. It does not mean you are a bad person, just that you need a few more lumps with a hammer on top of your head.

So necessarily I'll go off the deep end and state some fantastic things. There have been many previous civilizations on this planet. There, I said it. You may continue reading and finding out what or just go on with your life not wanting to know, its a choice.

What I am referring to is what is known as the time period of Atlantis. Plato mentioned it and others have brought forth many details though many means. Edgar Casey had lots to tell about it. It is famous for its sinking about 12,500 years ago. So see, the earth is not 6,000 years old as some believe. This mass of land is believed to have existed in the Atlantic ocean side of the Americas to the European land Masses. The Law of Karma can be read bout here.

This is a concept that has been expunged from the Abrahamic Religions for a sinister purpose. it exists mainly in the Eastern philosophies. Atlantis existed for hundreds of thousands of years. It wasn't the only advanced civilization at the time. Only at the end of about 12,500 years ago when its demise happened is what it is remembered for but there is way more. Yes it was a terrible time at the end but it was a period very rich in lessons for those enrolled in the University of Hard Knocks. See, Atlantis is being reborn in today's time, mainly the USA. Just as then there was a period of very rapid advancement technology wise. The same is happening to us now. How we deal with that will determine how and what will happen to us in the future. This is why this is important. The island of Cuba was part of that time of Atlantis. That is why what is happening there is and those that have left the Island have graduated to a higher degree. Most of those people have enrolled in the University in the USA, Canada and Mexico. We are to learn how to deal with those causes and effects like from long ago. I'm still over the deep end here so bear with me as this came to me as I woke up today and must write about.

ISMs. I will tell you that Communism manifested itself as a perversion of something greater. It is ingrained into our psyche as a very large negative and it is. We have been taught that Capitalism is good and beneficial and better that Communism. Both are perversions manifesting to benefit only a selected few while the rest of us linger and struggle. Capitalism's origin is not even from this Earth and has its roots with the Black Hats. Call it the rat race, hamsters in a wheel running very fast and getting nowhere faster. 

I am not endorsing Communism or Capitalism!

One sees through these philosophies once the roots are uncovered. Scientific advances will soon make it possible that all good high paying jobs will be largely automated. That means that in our present Capitalist structure less people will be able to have a higher standard of living while populations increase and we will be falling behind and will eventually be just serfs to a small minority of elites.

I strongly urge you to watch the movie Elysium. It is accurate in lots of details as to the present course will lead humanity unless corrections are made.

A new way must be found. One in which Humanity as a whole benefits from all the advances in Science and Spirituality. That is the way to go. It means that all your basic needs are easily met. People will be free to pursue higher endeavors without the basis threatened by the struggle and the rat race.

Enslavement of the monetary system must be stopped cold in its tracks...and will. Interest will be a thing of the past and even money will be useless. That is enough to scare the willies out of some people and their cries of socialism and communism will be loud. It certainly scares the Black Hats because it means the end of their power and control.

Back to Atlantis. Their basic mistake it seems was in their failure to make this change. They allowed the top elites to control and pervert all into Service-To-Self which is a dead end philosophy. We must as a Planet evolve from that into Service-to-Others.

Sadly or Fortunately, we are at that crossroad in the USA at the moment. There are political forces highly engaged in both parties designed to insure that the Elysium outcome becomes a reality. It is not up to those forces to decide but it is up to US TO DECIDE. Knowledge is POWER and they know it and it really really scares them. Make a choice today. It does not have to be radical.


You pick the way, You decide. By doing that, you are contributing and taking the forced choice from them to your free choice. This is not the end of this subject and it will be revisited. But for now RIDE WAVE.... namaste

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