Thursday, October 24, 2013


This is China on a good day ...I have to grasp for words...but this is criminal. This is how they are trying to murder the Earth Mother Gaia. This is the effects of run away pollution by those that do not care for her or the children that she cares for. I weep in pain at this atrocity.

What people fail to understand is that the Earth has an Intelligent Life Force whose job is to keep us alive. She has been overwhelmed in China and it is disgusting. Their environment is in collapse. WHY? To answer that you need to understand the psychology of service-to self versus service-to others. It is really Yin and Yang. 
Yin and yang can be thought of as complementary (instead of opposing) forces interacting to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the parts. Everything has both yin and yang aspects, (for instance shadow cannot exist without light). Either of the two major aspects may manifest more strongly in a particular object, depending on the criterion of the observation.
The 2 forces that created duality and difference. When it is in harmony all benefit. When it is in disharmony, then it harms others while benefiting some. That is the basic problem. What is happening in China is Service to Self at the detriment of others and in conflict with the Universe and harmony of life. People, plants and animals are getting sick and dying because MONEY is more important than Life. That is a philosophy that is foreign to this Earth and the only reason for it is that the Black Hats brought it here in their spread of conquest. So there, I said it. Deal with it dear people. 

Open your life activities to a Full Service in harmony with your self and others and see the difference that will make.

What we have here is a CHOICE to make that and say: I will be a force of progress where all will benefit in a harmonious way. That is the essence of Service To Self in harmony with Service To Others. Help your self first in harmony with the Earth and all Others benefit. 

Those that wish to enslave us all in a system that benefits them do not wish you to consider this. It manifests in Dirty Politics and in Oppressive Banking. In Health Care Systems that only seek to enrich others before curing disease, which is the ONLY REASON to have one in the first place. It manifests in the Rat Race that keeps you at the bottom of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, never once wondering what is available above you.

 They want you to be hamsters in a cage running in the wheel that can never get you beyond the lower levels. It suits them. But it does not suit us or the Earth. ENOUGH! of the depressing side.

What can we do? I am just a little person with a mountain of problems. Yes, that is true for most us. I must take care of me and my family first, Yes again, but can you not offer 5 minutes of your day to the betterment of others? Just 5 minutes no more. If 6 Billion people would just do that, it quickly adds up. That is over 57,000 years in just 5 minutes. Think of what would happen?

Get beyond the service-to-self into the service-to-other mentality frame of mind. Do it your own way. Pray, Meditate, Offer good vibes. Be Happy and give it to others. Look at the faces of people when you are out and about. They do not look too happy. Do you smile at them? Ask yourself, what I am doing right now, does it offer service-to-others of just to myself? Correct your actions and thought. No one is blaming you and I AM NOT! I do not care where you have been but where you are going.  

Imagine and DARE to Imagine the Earth Healed. No more pollution, wars and disease. A place where all your needs are taken care of. NO! This is not Communism. It is the way things were meant to be by powers greater than us. Besides communism and capitalism can't do it for us but Our collective Will can.

Once all that happens, you have the time to consider other things such as higher thoughts.
Not religion but Spirituality. They are not the same and one is meant to enslave while the other to free you from oppression. Of course those stuck in the religious paradigm will say otherwise. That is their problem. You do not have to continue the deception any longer. You have permission from Beyond and those Powers and Principalities that wish you Free.

So which is it? Do you want to let them keep from you what is already yours for the taking?


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