Monday, September 2, 2013

Fukushima Japan. Lies upon lies and this is way worse than they are telling. The Japanese government in their quest to save face is putting the whole world at risk. This is the main problem with Nuclear Energy. It is safe when safe and really dangerous when dangerous.
Why was this dangerous fuel chosen? I think it is because the residue can be weaponized and that means Nuclear Bombs. That means the Industrial Military Complex Monster that President Eisenhower warned us about. BTW, I think he was the last real President this Nation has had clear to today. And that means REAL! as in control. But that is for another day. There has been a safer material that was passed over for defense reasons. It is called Thorium.
Thorium is a naturally-occurring, slightly radioactive metal discovered in 1828 by the Swedish chemist Jons Jakob Berzelius, who named it after Thor, the Norse god of thunder. It is found in small amounts in most rocks and soils, and is in 3 times more abundant than Uranium. You can read more about this in wrired magazine . Suffice it to say that there are safer alternatives and the byproduct can't be weaponized. So we come to what to do about the Fukushima Disaster? I will venture to say that it was a manufactured event meant to punish the Japanese for not going along with NWO plans and orders.
Some point to this thing the US government is playing with, HAARP technology. But Tesla's electro-mechanical oscillator was a steam-powered mechanical oscillator invented by Nikola Tesla by 1898. This little device was reported to have shaken several blocks from the Inventor's lab in NY City using compressed air only. People thought it was an earthquake and he had to stop it by smashing it with a sledge hammer. HAARP is using a similar tech but on a much larger scale.
Technology exists that can create earthquakes synthetically and that is how I think it was done. So enough of the depressing background information. What to do about all that radiation going into the ocean? Mother Earth, Gaia needs our help.
I can suggest and I do so with full integrity that the Kingdom of the Elementals stand ready to do help and at our command!. How do you know this? Well, I have dealt with them before and commanded them to do tasks for me. Now you may think I am crazy but others that I had not told this to have seen them. There are 4 types, The Earth or Gnomes, The Water or Undines, The Fire or Salamanders and the Air or Sylphs. For Fukushima I would use the Fire and Water elementals.
The Undines deal with anything to do with water. Humans think of them often as Mermeid people. That is a good analogy. They can help purify that water in those tanks and leaking into the Ocean.
“See the undines. These are the spring or Water Elementals. The undines live in the invisible spiritual essence called humid ether or liquid. Beauty is the essence of the Water spirits, and they abound in symmetry and grace. They control Water and this has always been a female duty. For this reason they most often appear in female form" from Seasons Within by Leon Davis”
Now we come to the Powerhouse Elementals, the Fiery Salamanders. These Beings are powerful and a bit scary to look at. They resemble tongues of fire and have fiery glowing eyes. Some can be huge, some tiny. But they all work for us, the awakened ones. Their fire can consume all that radiation and change it into harmless substances. BELIEVE THIS for it is true.
"There sitting on cross-legged on the grass dressed in a long, flowing, and loudly-patterned robe, was their fellow Student. She was gazing intently at a fire burning within the stone circle that emitted a powerful aroma that Jonathon couldn’t identify… “I have been waiting for you. Stare into the fire and breathe deeply of the incense…Look for a lizard shape amongst the flames,” she whispered. Endless moments passed before Jonathon began to make out a lizard-shaped object writhing within the flames. “If you believe, you will see it. You are seeing the mythological elemental entity known as the salamander. It brings warmth to the world… (it) must be present before fire can exist. Often they appear as small balls of light and sometimes as tongues of flame running over fields or peering into houses” " from Seasons Within by Leon Davis…
So How do you involve these mythical unseen creatures? First thing is to know they are there and part of Creation in this Universe. There are many unseen things and it does not mean they do not exist. Second Know that you can command them by the internal rights of who you really are. And third know that it is done above so bellow....
Know that you can be one of these of your own chosing. That you can help by using this Universe and all the Energy in it to help. Use your Power Wands, use your mind, use your intention, but DO IT!. I do not intend to tell anyone exactly how to do this but I can tell you all how it worked for me. Again I do not consider this religion but how this Universe works. First get into your self by what ever means and know that you can do it. Then you may wish to say words like
By the Power Vested in me by the Universal Creation, I call upon the Elementals of Water and Fire, Undines and Fiery Salamanders, to concentrate their efforts in Fukushima Japan and to take all that radiation and turn it harmless. I give you all of my Energy freely and with Love.
Simple yet powerful. And I weary of all this stuff for the burden is heavy and leave with a few words of wisdom and visual of one of Nicholas Roerich's paintings.
"We are concerned with the pollution of the body of the Earth; we are concerned with the pollution of elemental life. Where elemental life and the Earth body itself have not been able to bear the toxins, the waste materials, the chemical by-products and the nuclear by-products, so the bodies of mankind have had to bear that weight, and mankind as a whole, and especially the Lightbearers, walk with the cross on the Via Dolorosa. They walk carrying that cross; and sometimes they fall beneath the weight of that cross as they bear it unknowingly, jointly with elemental life. We are concerned with all pollution and the pollution of the seas and the air and the pollution of the food; and we see that there are times when the lightbearers can scarcely lift their bodies, so charged are they with the negative charge that results from the imbalance that is being placed upon the ecosystem of Terra" Pelleur

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