completer wand |
I then proceeded to add the copper with a double points towards the front. That is because this wand is mainly an emitter. I usually design receivers. But do not be deceived, this one is a receiver also.
wand with just copper enhancer |
I then put it down and meditated on the wand. I got that it wanted to be special and that it did not need much other than some small crystals. I thought some more and then I hit on Hermiker Diamonds. These beautiful things come on all sizes but it does not matter. Large or small they pack an energy punch.
Herkimer Diamonds are the most powerful of all Quartz crystals. Being doubly terminated, they have the ability to not only transmit their own energies, but to receive spiritual energy and to amplify and focus it intently. They are reported to be harder than all other Quartz, giving them the strength and durability to handle difficult challenges beyond the scope of other Quartz crystals. What they lack in physical size, they more than make up for in spirit energy.
I picked them at my favorite local shop at 5 Sisters in Miami. I held maybe 10 small ones in my hand and they were burning cold heat. So I picked one that felt right.
Then I needed to pick a rear Chrystal and it turned out to not be a Chrystal at all but glass. A special kind of glass called Moldavite and it was shaped about 15 million years ago when a large meteorite hit the earth in the area of the Czech Republic. This is the only place the real ones can come from and they do not make them anymore...
I picked a small but flat piece that was kind of translucent. I have to admit that I am leery of buying Moldavite since the Chinese are passing old green bottle glass as Moldavite. I rarely feel the Moldavite effect. It took a little while but I did feel their heat crawling up my arm. So I knew that they were real.
Lastly I picked a grounding stone since all my wands need it because of the nature and intensity of the high vibrations that they emit. It is a good thing to have on an energy tool such a this. I picked a small black piece of kyanite and placed it on the backend. You can see in the picture it is very small.
What must be understood here is that it is not the size of the crystals that is important, but the combination and the placement mixed with the intent of the user.
I placed the whole thing in a custom made box and it currently being offered at my etsy shop.
Please visit if you are so inclined. Now for the $50 question, who uses this? I will be the first to tell you that these are special items. They also have their owners. This wand can be used in many ways and this blog expands on it on other articles. One of the ways to use this is as a meditation aid. You will fly high while holding this beauty.
I wish to invite all to consider owning one of these special tools. Really, the pictures do not do it justice but I've been told by sensitives that the energy comes through the pictures. If you hold one, you basically want it.
Why Electric Blue? Well, I am sentimental and tend to name my wands. This one's name is due to the fact that the synergy of the crystals emit an electric blue spark of energy through the selenite in my mind's eye between the front and the back Crystals.
I hope to produce more of these wands and offer them to people so interested.