So, we continue with the Vortex issue. This is a representation of what my Portable Energy Vortex looks to my mind's eye. Not quite but very close except it spins clockwise up and counter-clockwise down. But I've only seen it mostly go up. It is an Intelligent energy that I only facilitate. It does what it wants to do and I, will not even consider trying to control it.
The other thing I've see it do is something similar to this pillar of light.This is a real picture and there are others and this has a very good explanation why it happens but the pillar and the Vortex manifested itself indoors. I am just explaining what transpired and was later verified to have happened. My psychic friend also has verified this. Now, I must state to you all that my main concern at this time is to set it up and programmed the Vortex for HEALING. I have no other interest at this time. That might change based on the need at the time, but I am happy to do that.
Those that wish to take this knowledge from you will tell you all kinds of stories. Some religious and all based of FEAR of the unknown. DO NOT feed into that. Know this and by all means TEST IT! It wants you to do that and challenge it to manifest for YOU! I have done it and all that I present to you has gone through that process.
A vortex is how Nature moves energy. Seldom does a straight line is used. Look and see. It is all around us. I am not making this up to eat your brain. There are physical manifestations of this energy that are visible and some are not. We can see this because of water vapor behind an airplane.
SOHO is a web site run by NASA that you can see energy discharges from the sun almost in real time. Same thing.
The Ancients knew about this Energy and how it applies to the Human Body. They gave us the knowledge of Chakras.
Chakras from |
Chakras are also energy Vortexes to move energy into the body. So you see, you already carry with you vortexes and didn't even know it.
This is an interpretation of chakras on a healthy human body. Note the colors (frequency and relationship to the human spinal chord. This can and has already been photographed using Kirlian Photography and other methods. When these personal vortexes get clogged with emotional crud, energy can't freely move and dis-ease manifests itself. So in a way this is the Fountain of Youth. The clearing and maintenance of your energy centers clean and cleared of blockages.
Why am I telling you this? Because it has the potential to keep you healthy and young. I do not know of anyone that does not want this, including myself. There are may Modalities used for doing this and they all work such as Reiki. Find one that you are comfortable with and do it. You will begin to clear up and sense this. Some even see it.
But first things first. You must first HEAL THY SELF.
See yourself free as this person look. Start to change your outlook on life. It really is not that bad as the Black Hats would like you to believe.
How to do this? Many many ways. Diet and excercize, Staying away from negative people. Drinking as pure water as you can get. Sometimes this is not possible but never fear. I will tell you how to generate it using your mind. Food and water accounts for a large potion of this healing journey. This is a demo From TED on an easy way to do it. But I will also tell you how your mind can do this. It makes sense to filter out all solids. But what about the dissolved chemicals already in it and all the ones they put in it like Fluorides, Chlorine and others?
This is Masaru Emoto. He did experiments on how water is affected by thought. You can certainly read about it. I'm not making this up. But This is what I do. You can take some before water and some after and test it for your self. The after water has a sweet taste to it. at least to me.
Get your tap water and place it into a container. Can be anything really. Now Focus, and this is important. Focus your attention to the water only with your mind and tell it to purify itself. That is it! I like to make it into a little ritual of affirmations:
- Good water
- Beautiful Water
- Purified Water
- Holy water
- Happy Water
- Healthy water
- Neutralize Chlorine, Fluorine and any other unhealthy chemicals
- Thank you
This is so simple its funny. You can of course change this to your own special needs. You can tell it to add to itself the medicine needed just for you. And do not forget to drink it. Now you know how to make it yourself. You don't have to pay for water...but you could if you wish.
Back to the Vortex. The vortex is the energy phase of the total healing that people need. The other is the emotional one. I will only deal with the energy one and how to facilitate it using the water issue.
This is a photograph of such a vortex taken at the Aztec Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan, Mexico. Some say its fake except its been happening at pyramids all over the world. Some travel great distances to go to existing vortexes. What I offer is a way to have one that is portable and it can come to you.
Back to the Vortex. The vortex is the energy phase of the total healing that people need. The other is the emotional one. I will only deal with the energy one and how to facilitate it using the water issue.
Now you know its possible. What I have not done is tell you how its done. I struggle with that because of what has happened in the past with Atlantis and why it fell. I do not want the same mistakes repeated. So for now and if Source allows this, I will only talk about it and not give much as to how its done. There really is much besides the physical vortex.
That does not mean it can't be done by others if they hit on how. I do not own this information. I am merely cautious with it because it is so powerful energy wise. It really is and its not for all. If Source does allow other special people to get one, I am game.
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You Already carry Many Energy Vortexes with you. Why not clean them up, shine them and put them to good use? RIDE THE WAVE...namaste