No, this is not about blood suckers but it might as well be. See blood is where the life force of living things resides. You have all been entrusted with a certain amount of this life force at birth. The real question what do you do with it? Do you increase it? Give it away? Get is stolen?
Ever known some one that just takes it out of you? This person may be a nice person but still does it. These people are what I will refer to as energy vacuums or psychic vampires. Why this subject? Well, its been coming up lately and even I just dismiss it, It pops up again. I make and offer energy wands to aid people get good vibes. What these people do is take it from you. They do not have or have lost all of theirs and need others energy to survive. Here is a youtube video that explains it well.
Why do i bring this up? It really is related to the subject of the Black Hats. People are handling increased amounts of energy. You use Power Wands and are constantly charged up. This sometimes attracts those that have none of their own and must steal it to remain alive.
These are some of them and they all do not look so vile and scary. Some may be discarnate entities who stick to people's auras like lampreys. I bring this up because you have true power to say "NO". This is mine and you can't have any of it, go away. Some people can see or feel these creatures. Some have them and do not even know they are there.
One thing I must divulge is that there are those entities that have been cut off from the Source where we get all our energy. They have built up an energy-veil (e-veil) that does not let them get any. So they steal to survive. How do they do this? It may be through money, debt and interest. Others through stealing your ideas. Some even get a kick of killing and seeing their blood flow.
Well, enough of the bad depressing stuff.
How can you tell energy vampires at a glance?
1) Negative people!
2) People who are depressed, sad, needy, or critical most of the time.
3) People who are searching to fill a void in their life.
4) Drama queens.
5) Angry people.
I can tell you that I have at some time met one or all of the above. That is the other thing, you can do what some of them do and not even know it. Now that you know, you can do something about it. You can choose to give off some good vibes instead of taking it from others.
That is the way to interact with these expanded energies. The more you give out the more you will have. Then you begin to see the change in you first and then in others around you. You really have that much power available to you. You are a co-creator of life force. So how do I dump the bad and start doing the good stuff? Here are some tips.
1. Love and accept yourself as you are right now.
2. Free yourself from past resentments and disappointments about who you were yesterday. Stop engaging in self-blame and guilt for past acts and omissions.
3. Let go of any and all resentment you’re hanging onto about everyone and everything else. Stop looking for reasons to criticize and blame others for their acts and omissions.
4. Stop giving your power away. Use your time, energy, and vitality wisely. Every time you choose to focus on a negative, you are depleting your reserves rather than re-charging your batteries.
5. Use creative visualization and your imagination to your advantage, not your detriment. Instead of picturing worst case scenarios, see things as you want them to be.
6. Do not speak of your illness, or dis-ease with others. The more attention you place on what you don’t want in your life, the more energy it absorbs.
7. Love is the antidote to fear. If you appreciate the many blessings in your life, and express gratitude for anything and everything, you begin to flow in a healing bath (rather than languishing in toxins).
8. Recognize that you have the power to heal yourself. That healing power flows from the thoughts you think.
9. Be happy. Appreciate this moment. Resist nothing. Love yourself and others. Be grateful for small blessings. Make happiness your number one priority. When you remain positive, you summon well-being, and vanquish illness and dis-ease.
10. Laugh! Laugh again! Watch funny movies and recall memories that make you laugh. Once you access the joy within, let it expand to fill your entire being, crowding out illness and dis-ease.
Stop complaining about things, situations and what happens to you. (I'm preaching to myself here) because there is always a good thing in every situation. Is the glass half empty or half full? See and look to the good of everything, if you look its there.
So you all really have a decision to make here. Choose today that you will add instead of taking. Give to those in need. Make the world a better place so that when you leave it, its in better shape than when you found it. It really is not that hard because it is way easier to do good than to do bad. Spread good vibes to all but do not let them take it from you. RIDE THE WAVE!