Sunday, August 25, 2013

This is what I feel right now energywise. It is really amazing to be here at this time of great happenings. The earth is churning and things are happening
The game is afoot! - Sherlock Holmes.
I will continue on my Power Wand journey. I look down at the box that came with 12 Selenite sticks a few days ago and there is only 2 left. Where did they go? No matter I can get more thanks to the good folks at Crysalistone. I also have a local place called Five Sisters that have good stuff.
So I pick a piece and ask what would you wish to become? I start to shape and cut and sand a little and eventually it reveals itself. I generally work with a cuboid shape with right angles. This one has a trapezoidal shape. It is also called a a convex quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides. I carved a trapezoidal cuboid. There is some controversy as to that shape because the dark side uses it but they use it to break up energy and misuse it. Look at pictures of the funeral of John Paul II on Google and see what I mean. I use it to collect and amplify the good energy.
Egyptian Temples used this shape in their doorways and it was basically the shape I used. I have 2 slanting sides and 4 parallel and at right angles. Mythically it completes the square and covers the bases. I also try to get the surfaces smooth. Inclusion in the Selenite are natural and sometimes they have crystals imbedded in the piece. I sand shave and polish until smooth. Then I take it outside and let it sit in the sun for about 1 hour. You can go longer but they get really hot to the touch so be careful.
Look at what happens to it when I use a flash on the piece. It glows. That is how light interacts with it and why I love the mineral. Smoothing the ends aids in this transmission of energy. You know it is right when light shines through it clearly as if it was fiberoptic cables. Polishing with a wet cloth will add to the smoothness and create a shine. That is what you are shooting for here. Next comes the copper. Why copper? I think it acts like an antennae and amplifies the electromagnetic spectrum. I've tried wrapping it and using it longitudinally and come to prefer the later.
These steps will not achieve the max benefit unless correct intent is used. This is Key. Intuition is key. Do not force the energies but let them flow like water over rocks. I can't stress this enough. It is not enough to do this in the same way or to just make money because it will not work. You must be at the right place in your heart to do this right. Warning: You could pull in negative energies under some cases if not done right. I advise to place a piece of Black Kyanite on these wands, specially the really powerful ones to aid in the grounding. At least, filter it through a piece of Blue Kyanite.
You do not want this to happen to you (a kick in the head). These energies are real and powerful. They must be stepped down like a transformer. Ask your Guides or Source to help you out before using them. I do not mean to discourage experimentation but be careful. Discern, use your intuition.
When things go right, you get a process of awakening. A wonderful thing that you will say "How did I missed this until now?". I plan on building this particular wand for myself to be used on this awakening process. I will of course document this as an aid to others. Again this is not religion. This is how this universe operates. People invented religion to be able to deal with these things. The electromagnetic spectrum is infinite both ways. We are on an escalator of frequencies that keep getting faster and faster. RIDE THE WAVE! Don't get left behind! Namaste

Saturday, August 24, 2013

RIDE THE WAVE! See, the person at the other end said "Hello Pablo, I have a project and I need some help with it, can you help?". Immediately I said YES! That person was my friend Jody Rowe Staley. You can read more about her on her page at ' and she is really good at what she does. This was in support of the Lion's Gate Alignment and the planet Venus was involved. You can get more on here about the Lions Gate. See, the project involved the Merkaba and its energies. I must admit that I knew little about it other than its a Jewish thing from the old testament. The web is full of lots of info and it all points to a guy by the name of Bernard Perona AKA Drumvalo and I'll stop there because the honorific is just too special to give it to him.
It was what is written in The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtak. I don't have this book but My Source does not object to it. In my last installment I spoke of the Shift and this is related to it in a big way as the air is shimmering with energy. My sister has been involved with the Merkaba also and I had hoped to have her there but due to other commitments was unable to attend.
So We got busy, Jody her husband Bill and I. I made a model to scale of a foot per inch. Jody bought the materials and bill offered his shop and tools. The model told us it would be big enough for a 6 foot person to comfortably step inside. So we met and discussed how to make it out of copper pipes and we settled on PVC. In reality you can make it of sticks and it would still work but more on that later. I was a bit apprehensive because of the time frame we had but we forged on.
After 2 days of work, high heat and a few gallons of sweat (it was really hot folks), we had this at Bill's workshop. Perspective being what it is it would look like that. Its really the geometry that is important. It kind of an antennae. We have a plan to make the next one out of copper piping with ease of construction for portability. It will be offered to those that wish it but that is in the future so stay tuned. I never in a million years thought of this but since guidance does what it does, here it is all set up at the beach.
We had a nice crowd of about 19 brave souls and some very talented drummer man. So we started the ceremony and I started to feel like there was a bon fire at the place of the merkaba. So then I though, man you are really going south again. I did not feel it on my side facing away. Then my intuition kicked in and I saw/felt that there were sheets of blue flame moving over it at the tetrahedrons formed by the intersections. From the hubs or points, it was different as it manifested as if blue flame was shooting out kind of like an acetylene torch.
This is a picture in the dark at the beach site with a lantern inside to give you an idea of what was happening etherically. People were happy and at peace during the ceremony and we sent out our healing energies towards the Earth, Sky and especially towards Fukushima Japan where the radiation is going out of control and being dumped in the ocean. Some wonderful lady gave us a talk about water as a tool for energy conduit. Very interesting. In the end, this is how we all felt as we left for our homes. This is my little woof woof de papi and my spirit protector. Namaste and Love to all until the next time...

Thursday, August 22, 2013

RIDE THE WAVE! I've been on this blog kick thing and I feel compelled to write about what is happening all around us energy wise. This is the 3rd update in 3 days in a row. Why? I feel like the energies are pushing the envelope. Energy has been kicking all of us in the rear end to wake us up, this year in particular. Some feel it as becoming more heart centred, compassionate and creative, opening to greater cosmic consciousness. Glands that have been restricted in functioning like the pituitary and pineal start to fully function as they were meant to do.
This creates a paradigm shift in your self first and then your world. The good thing is that we are being forced to confront things that may not be pleasant but need attention in ourselves and our lives. These things are keeping us from moving forward and must be let go.
But only you can decide what that is. It is a personal choice to make. So take out the trash. It might be unpleasant to deal with but once that lid is closed, it is gone for good. Why is this important? Well, it appears that the time is now and we are so fortunate to be walking this good Earth at this time and age.
You do not want to miss the boat unless its your choice and that is always there. When is the next one going to be around for you to decide to get on? So you might say, what is this guy rambling about? I can tell you that the Old is being replaced with the New. Old ways of thinking and even religion will shift or disappear. People will get Spiritual and in tune with Nature. Money will not be so important anymore. Really? Money, that green stuff we all love?
What do these things have to do with Power Wands. Nothing except that they are tools to help you get there. There are people that go through life never once wondering other than material things. More are waking up from this bad dream and asking questions. Good! I think the mineral Kingdom is key to helping us out now. I love these crystals.
What is underneath the Earth that is waking up? Many feel it, for some its a restlessness. Something for something that they have to do but do not know. I would advice to look inside. I think anyone that says the Creator Force or Source or Spirit is outside on some cloud is truly lost. Old man made gods need to be re-evaluated. With your permission, I will digress a little towards some words where most of this is anchored. It is not religion but words of wisdom from someone who really cares for us. "The Great Cosmic Light has said that humanity shall blaze forth more Light and that means the expansion of YOUR Light. It is the Light Pattern of your human form, not only through your heart but within every cell of your body." Can you guess who? If you know him you know already. The next picture is a clue.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

RIDE THE WAVE! I have some new information on the effects of the Rhodizite crystals on my wand with the Moldavite piece. I think I am used to the Moldavite energies now. Since then, I've added 2 Rhodizite crystals to the wand. I held it with my left hand for a long time and all was fine, with the characteristic tingling and heat running up my arm. I then put it under my pillow and went to sleep. I must say that I was not expecting what happened next.
I woke up in the middle of the night and it wasn't quite a headache but something was definitely going on in the middle of my head. It felt as if I was experiencing an awakening of sort. Kind of like this. Its almost like a case of blocked sinusitis but no pain.
I took the wand from underneath my pillow placed it on my night table, got up and got my chunk of black tourmaline and replaced it under my pillow as a grounding stone. This had the grounding effect that I was looking for and from Now on I urge all that experiment with high vibration crystals to have a grounding stone next to you or on you.
In fact, I will now add a piece of Black Kyanite to my high power wands as a balancing effect. It need not be big but in touch with the wand. This wand is starting to become a fine tuned radio of sorts... I need to stop and think what is actually happening here. I've been thinking of late of the Pineal gland and its importance to this Aquarian Age that we are all in.
The pineal gland has been likened to the Eye of Horus in humans. Familiar? I know of the nefarious things done to it under the guise of better health and fluoride. This chemical poison is added to drinking water supplies as sodium fluoride and fluorosilicates to "aid in cavity protection". It is also added to toothpaste and other foods. Why so much of a known poison? Could it be they are globally trying to prevent this from happening to us?
This is what I've been feeling like lately. I've even gone to the extreme of making my own toothpaste because its hard to find any without flouride in it. In the 1990s, a British scientist, Jennifer Luke, discovered that fluoride accumulates to strikingly high levels in the pineal gland. It calcifies it to the tune that it can be viewed in xrays at an early age (about 17 yo). The pineal gland is responsible for the synthesis and secretion of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin maintains the body’s circadian rhythm sleep and wake cycle among other things. Fluoride compounds are also byproducts of fissionable material production (nuclear bombs). Yikes! Why are they forcing this on people?
Why is it that enlightenment and the Pineal Gland are connected? Almost all Buddha statues are shown with this on their heads. I thought that it was just curly hair but I'm having second thoughts now. The pineal gland also manufactures Dimethyltryptamine(DMT)and some call this the God Molecule. It controls our DNA. If I wasn't so suspicious, I wouldn't say that there is an attempt to control us through DNA manipulation. A bit of common sense for helping the Pineal gland.
I will leave you all with these wise words. I write them for myself and hope you can benefit. “Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” Gautama

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

And the saga continues as I just received my shipment of Rhodizite crystals. These little beauties are small and I mean small. Some call this the Master Crystal. Rhodizite is found in Madagascar and Russia, and usually in the presence of Tourmaline. It is a tiny pea-sized dodecahedron crystal. It comes in several colors from clear to yellowish to pink. Rhodizite is a truly positive energy crystal that never needs to be cleared or charged.
That makes it perfect for my power wand as I use crystals that do not need clearing. It is said that Rhodizite assists with astral travel by helping you get and process the information needed from the astral travel. It can be used while in meditation, making stilling the mind much easier. I've read that Shamans in Madagascar are said to use Rhodizite for initiating rain. Energetically, Rhodizite is very powerful for unlocking and clearing blockages, and activating all the chakras. Physically, Rhodizite is helpful for cancer, tissue inflammation, cellular diseases, pH balance in the body, stabilizing brain function, and is an excellent energy booster for all types of healing. They pack a big punch for being such generally small crystals.
So where to use them in my wands? I decided that the only place was near the copper spirals. They fit perfectly there to act as an amplifier to the energies. I decided to use silicone rubber in case I wanted to move them to a different spot. I started to make another wand that is about 7 inches long and this is what it looks like. You can see those tiny yellowish things in the middle of the copper spirals, Yes those are it. I am considering obtaining one Azeztolite crystal.
This is controversial for me since I think the only ethical place to get them is at the source of the mine and through the good people at Mountain Gems and Healing Crystals www. . The mine owners, the Morgan family, trademarked the name because of rampant scams on e-bay and people getting ripped off. These folks own the only mine and do not own the trademark anymore and best of all, they appear to be ethical in their handling and treatment of these wonderful crystals.
Yes, the name is trademarked. Some other man owns it and he appears to be behaving unethically with these crystals. He did not create them, Nature did and anything done to restrict access from these crystals to the people, is creating some Heavy Duty Bad Karma for themselves and those around him. So be it! You've been warned! Message delivered to Mr Robert Simmons. The other 2 crystals I plan to use are Herkimer Diamonds, 2 to be exact.
These are not real diamonds but a special type of double terminated quartz. Herkimer Diamonds are the one of the most powerful of all Quartz crystals when it comes to moving energy. The other are Vogel Cut Crystals. Being doubly terminated, they have the ability to not only transmit their own energies, but to receive spiritual energy and to amplify and focus it intently. They are reported to be harder than all other Quartz, giving them the strength and durability to handle difficult challenges beyond the scope of other Quartz crystals. What they lack in physical size, they more than make up for in spirit energy. This should make for one powerful wand and I look forward to making it and testing it.
I know of no more powerful wands to move energy like these Vogel Cut quartz wands. It must be a true cut, not some copies from China. I have mine that my daughter gave me and it is small from and a fellow by the name of Ray Pinto cuts them to Dr Marcel Vogel's standards. You can drop thousands of dollars for one depending on who cuts, the material and size. This fellow's wand I've tested with a pendulum and it is real and it does move energy kind of like my wands. The Vogel puts out and my wands attract. Anyways I will continue next time. Stay positive and enjoy the light. Namaste

Thursday, August 15, 2013

I'm still here and the Moldavite is on the wand. I must say that I have not experienced the moldavite effect. I immediately tested it with a pendulum and it was a loud yes to "is it real?". I decided to take it easy and ease into it and kept it on my night stand over night and had a hard time sleeping. That has gone away and I can sleep while holding it in my hand. This is what it looks like.
I have noticed an urge to look into the Pineal Gland. I've been doing some research of why it is important and some of the nefarious attempts to keep humanity dumb and blind. But that is not the subject here today. Today I want to talk about "radiation". At least that is what I've come to call it. I know it exists because I've felt it from The old I Am Activity green books. But then another subject. Radiation is simply the ability to concentrate and direct the ever present energies that exists all around us. All that we are, all that there ever is or was is energy vibrating (waveforms) at different levels. The atom is mostly empty but it feels solid to us. We think we are solid but we are just a bunch of energy vibrating at a certain frequency. I know that you can tune in to this energy and draw to yourself and others all the goodness that the Great Creator Force, or Source, wants us to have. Don't get me wrong, I do not subscribe to any religion but am highly spiritual in nature.
In the Self Realization Fellowship lineage, Swami Sri Yukteswar (the old guy on the left) wrote a book "Holy Science" in which he stated the different ages we are traversing through the universe. He said that we are moving from Kali Yuga, but have advanced to Dwapara Yuga. An age of enlightenment. What does that mean? How does it affect us and the Universe? Great questions since the old guy was most wise.
We are in a place on the spiral arm of our galaxy what is in line to the expanded energies that are coming out of the center of our galaxy. Some say it is a great big black hole, others call it the Great Central Sun.
What ever, it is emitting greater amounts of energy and that is what is causing the "shift" that seems to be the buzz now. More about that later. It is simply a greater density of energies per area of space. No religion involved what so ever. And that is key to understanding what is going on. That is what all this hoolabaloo is all about. More energy available. That spells bad news to the bad guys or black hats and that is a subject for later also. And as a side effect of it all the matter in the Earth will simply kick up a few notches in frequency. It has to. Its like some one turned on the heat to High and the water will boil in the pot (Earth). Of course its way more complex than that but its a good analogy. Everything is heating up. All the planets, the sun, the earth and some call it Global Warming... It does affect all including consciousness. I think that is why these tools are coming out now. I think that time itself is speeding up and I've often thought this for a long time now.
These tools are meant to concentrate and help in this absorption of high energies in such a way that is soft and easy to take. When you boil water it is all violent with energy and things come off evaporated. When you use a filter, the bad stays away and you get the good water. That is one way to think about this.
My tools give off a certain radiation that can be felt by people who are sensitive. It feels to me as when standing in front of a electric range on high while it is glowing red. I think it has to do with the pineal gland activating. I can feel it coming from my wands, grids and pendants. Others have also and that is good because the last thing I want to do is hurt anyone. That is why I use a filter. So my materials that I use are the copper and is a type of antennae. The selenite is the conduit and the blue kyanite the filter. I think the filter is a good idea because it guarantees that only the good stuff gets through. Then you can boost with other stones. I'm ready to experiment boosting with a little crystal called Rhodozite. This crystal is tiny but it amplifies other stones effects. I'll be updating on that. That is how my stuff works and is meant to work. Until next time stay positive, stay happy, Great things are a foot my Dear Watson...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I left you all on how these wands came to me and what they feel like. I must spend a little time on that. As stated before, I love working with Selenite. The feel and beauty of it really attracts me. The same goes for Blue Kyanite. Dr Marcel Vogel did wonderful work with crystals until his passing in 91. He did state to a confidant at the end that he worried that his technology would be used for bad things. He even had his crystals programmed in such a way that they would break rather than do harm. I feel the same way about it. Crystals were greatly misused a long time ago in another time and there is absolutely no reason to repeat those mistakes. I experimented with the Selenite and I saw that most people that work with it like to get it into a point shape. I knew that would not work for my design since I was more interested in drawing energy rather than putting it out. I built the prototype which is mine and showed it to people. I new that the energy was there and that I could help to amplify it for greater benefit. I decided to use Blue Kyanite as a conduit and accelerator to these energies.
This mineral is beautiful. It is also interesting that it is hard in one direction and soft in another. That is good and bad because it is stable for some things and not for others. I wanted to use the longitudinal fibers to go with the axis of the energy path. I Decided to put in directly on the Selenite. This is not a requirement but is desirable. I was building a strong energy path. I tried silicone rubber and that had some success. I also tried super glue and also worked. Superglue can also be used to stabilize the Kyanite and its invisible. What really brought everything together was the copper. i wanted to use copper because of its ability to conduct electrons. I hit upon a sort of antennae that wrapped on the selenite crystal. I did not want to use a spiral for the body but only at the ends of this circuit. So here is what happens. The energy is caught by the copper and concentrated on the selenite. This is further filtered by the kyanite and amplified by the center crystal. This is obvious a variable and many things work here and it should be something that will benefit the user.
I started with a Botswana Agate because its what came to me and its properties for Botswana Agate encourages one to find solutions rather than focusing on negative aspects of daily challenges. I recently took a trip to the Gulf of Mexico. I was surprised at the energy currents in the water. I then took my wand in the salt water for about an hour. I came out and the Botswana Agate fell off. Like it was telling me, good I'm done with you. I thought well, now what? I hit upon a crystal that is not a crystal at all but a piece of green glass. It is called Moldavite and it is old, some 14 million years old and the product of a large meteorite collision with the Earth. Lots of material was vaporized and flung up into space and cooled and fell back down and that is what it is.
Real Moldavite contains an interesting energy that people feel and its called a "moldavite rush". So I have a small piece coming my way and I plan to use it as the center crystal. Now I KNOW that is some supped-up super-duper energies I'm dealing with here but see, I like to push the envelope a lot and I'm no stranger to high energies. I will be letting you know what happens and if I fry...